A new mixtest with my SansAmp! Pantera!

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden

I have been digging alot of Pantera lately, and I've really taken a liking to Dimebags tone (Me and every other metalhead!) and I thought: What the hell, he used solid state, I use solid state, LETS ROCK!

So after messing around with my PSA1.1 a whole lot, with impulses, without impulses, drastic EQing, almost none, bla bla bla, I came up with this. I like it, and it's a drastic step forward compared to my other stuff! Just compare the tone of my Genocide Junkies cover, and feel the lack of fizz.

And yeah, I ended up going with impulses. Guitarhacks Fredman Straight I believe!
Hmm i hope no one shoots me for this one:

It sounded alot like dimebag tone...... except better

I loved it man. Great work Run us through your signal chain
Has somewhat more "body" (aka smooth lower mids) to it than the infamous mid-era Dimebag tone. People usually either love or despise Dime's tone, but either way, you've got to admit that his sound was unique. And that's what separating the gazillions of wannabe shredgods from the immortal guitar heroes: it's not only about technique, profile and a recognizable ton are as important.

So, to get back on track: Would be nice to hear this in an original composition. And btw, I don't think the tone on the BLS cover is that bad, but there is annoying "squeaking" going an the end of the riffs.
Thanks alot guys! The chain is pretty damn simple, my ESP Eclipse I-CTM with emg81/60 straight into my SansAmp PSA 1.1 into my PreSonus Inspire. I use Voxengo Boogex with Guitarhacks impulses. After that it's just an EQ with a pretty hefty HP, a small LP and some dips here and there to get rid of some annoying frequencies. All guitars are triple tracked, L/C/R, and bass is pitch shifted guitar with huge LP filter.

slashvanyoung: Yeah, but I find alot of the time that the tones that are the most unorthodox, or sound the most "WTF" the first time you here them are the ones I end up liking the most! And I am currently working this tone into one of my bands new songs.
It sounds great!!! Did you use the "Pantera" preset or did you create a new preset? Did you use Tubescreamer in front of Psa and also eq on guitars?
I have to agree with all the guys saying that reminds Dime's tone a lot and that it sounds much smoother!!
No TS, and the preset were one of my own that I made for jamming without impulses that I just tweaked (Basically just turned the Buzz nob all the way down) to fit the impulse. It's actually kind of a coincidence that it came out so similar!
Sounds great! damn...i cant get such a tone out of my sansamp.. Preset pls? Which Impulse used?
I think that does the dime tone quite well! smoother, but I bet it can go VERY dime-ish at the turn of a knob. Good job, man!
Again, thanks alot! The impulse as I mentioned was Guitarhacks Fredman Straight in Voxengo Boogex. I don't know the exact preset, but there is no Buzz, little to no bass, PreAmp at 12'o clock and Punch, Crunch, and Drive all pretty high. Maybe some boost in the highs, and then there is the post EQing to remove some noise n shit the impulses ads.
Hello, what do you think about this tone? It´s (badly, sorry) quadtracked PSA-1 direct, only with some eq and nebula´s mooged lp filter + drums (no bass guitar). Thanks for your opinion... http://depositfiles.com/files/8zvw8ymc0 Do you think that it could be usable for some industrialish metal (Pain...), of course if my playing will be tight (sorry I´m not good guitarist)? :)