Tone test, v30 engl impulses alone Vs V30 engl impulses/w 6505 impulses


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
hey guys, just had a little tone test, and was wanting some opinions,

I like the v30 engl impulses the best i think , but with the 6505 impulses, to me it does have alot more grunt. the only problem is that it just doesnt sound right, sounds kind of snorty, i dont have any monitors just some cheap headphones, so suggestions would be awesome

heres the one with just 2 tracks, v30 engl impulses either side

and heres the one with 4 tracks one engl and 6505 on either side,
Hey man,

If you don't mind me asking, could you please post the engl v30 impulse?

From what I can tell it has potential... more so than the 2nd clip. Just needs a bit of mid cutting as it's perhaps a bit too thick. The potential is there though, as there is no real fizz, and that's the important thing!
I cut some of the mids and updated the just engl one, did sound a bit too thick before, its hard to tell through my speakers
can u plz post the chain settings? btw i hear some very hard compression, but the tone is BAD ASS!!!!!!!! :worship:
really? i didnt use any compression, just a noise gate and a limiter on the master BUS, voxengo elephant

As for the chain, im not sure how you mean, im quite a noob at this stuff :(

Edit:Oh and compression on the snare and kick! i forgot
then its the limiters bad :) guitars are pumping on some parts (very little), for the chain i meant : plugins used for tone etc and their settings, or better picture of nuendo/cubase or what ever u used with plugins
oh, i think i get you now


The trackplug was first, then the noisegate, then the urs EQ just for cutting the excess mids and adding a tad more highs

voxengo elephant was just on its preset, slow +1.5dB. still not really used to it yet