a new pod cast - we need interview questions


Sep 12, 2002
Power Quest will be in London doing a photoshoot this weekend

so.... while the band members are in the same place, our friends at metal-cast.com want to do a another podcast as 40,000 people downloaded the last one,

SO please start posting your questions directed to the band now on this thread and they will be answered on a forthcoming episode

PQ, when will you be touring the UK?

PQ, when will Master of Illusion be realeased?

PQ, can I lick your knees?

Heh :lol: Ok now for the real one...

PQ, what do you think of the current power metal scene these days and where do you see it progressing in the future?
What are you looking forward to the most on the upcoming tour with Angra?

Who have you enjoyed playing/touring with the most (other bands)?

Who would you like to tour with? (Actually, I think this has been done and edguy came up over and over, eh Steve?)

What can you tell us about Dean guitars?

Can you drop any hints on a theme of the new artwork?

What goes into the writing process that makes PQ's songs so dam catchy?

What did you have for breakfast?
Just like in my high school days when they wouldn't give me and my mates a class photo of us rubbing our nipples suggestively at the cameraman :lol: Some people have no sense of humour :D