a new signing on the way...

I'd bet you're capable to deal with Gazosa and make them new leaders in apocalyptic pedophile candy/pop avantgarde metal. So i guess nothing is what seems to be....
Why did'nt you tell me about this? :yell:
You know I love to know these kind of things before everyone else!!!
I can't wait one week now...you've to tell me everything within tomorrow!
ehheheh :tickled: And...I'll keep the scret! :loco:
Allright Emi, i guess it's between these two:
Ennio Morricone.

I got ya, man. :)

Emi said:
well, if MP are :headbang: :cool: :worship:

then the new band is more like: o_O :ill: :hotjump:

hehehehe :loco:

So Mechanical Poet are rock on/metal, cool and worthy of praise,maybe genre praise...

So that makes this new signing hypnotic, ill (illin?) and plenty aggressive/explosive? So it's kind of fucked up, sick and aggressive?

hmmm......I'll definitely need more than that before I start betting anything....although this clearly rules out Six Feet Under already...
Emi said:
guys, a band like Redsparowes is waaaaay too big for us... we are a small indipendent label from italy, we can't afford this kind of band :(
Isis themselves can be found under Ipecac records, founded by none other than the mighty Mike Patton. I don't know how big they are considering his big name, but the last I had known was that they are small independent label too, only american. Do Isis record for a different label and are only distributed by Ipecac? Would that not be a lot of money, or am I selling Ipecac short here? I had always assumed they were more or less an independent label.
Ipecac is an indipendent label, but also Nuclear blast and Cenutry Media are indipendent labels...

Ipecac is like 10 times bigger than code666, in terms of budget, sales, promotion and distribution network...

the new signing will be announced soon... too bad no one guessed right... hehehe