a new site all for the heavy metal fans!

This is an old topic.

Anyway, if you're going to join one of those Myspace rip off sites, check out Niggaspace. Funniest site ever. Bootylicious is an actual body type!
I made one to show off some of my music, which has been going alright so far. I'm not really into chatting or any of that shit though. It would be nice if there were more younger people like me on there. Like someone said above... too many old women sending friend requests.

Everyone's been really nice on there so far though.
i know why you say that.
Because I used to like those fags called Distorted Mind, but they tricked me into making me believe that they actually were into metal, whereas they were not.

Other than that you have no argument for your allusion. Except of course for the fact that I am old enough to be a serious, respectful member of the Croatian and World society, prosperous employee of my multinational firm. If you mean that, then I think that you are wrong. Because I still sing the loudest in my firm, despite my years.

(well, ok, I don't have a beard, like a true metalhead should, and i do take showers every now and then, but I do have a car that is falling apart)

In addition to all that I will just add, that you should know better, as you have in depth knowledge of my despising of the post-metal era of Nevermore. DHIADW++
I own a 2002 Nissan Altima in perfect condition, shower daily, and well, the beard is there because I dislike my facial scars, not due to metal. But I don't like being called a metalhead anyway, it reminds me of 80s children with bad haircuts and terrible grammar. And I like DHIADW, had nothing to do with it being Nevermore or not.