A nice BW&BK review

Yes he did and thanks to the wait, Hoyt has no nails left since he bit them all off, lol :D!

The wait was worth it though because as far as I can tell, he nailed it, as usual!

It was a pretty good review. I just wish he would have actually reviewed our performance and given criticism where needed, rather than just saying that we're a bunch of kids with a singer that doesn't fit in. Sure we're young, but we're a serious band. Don't say we were good for a young band. Treat us like the professionals we're trying to be and tell us what we need to work on. Tell us what you thought of our performance as a band, not as a group of kids playing music. I don't mean any negativity towards the reviewer, we're just getting tired of being treated like we're not a real band just because we're young. And we're not even that young! Only two of us are under 18. I'm 19, and our singer is 23.

Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get that out there...
Yeah he didn't really say anything about much of the music, we're bald, your young, Alas Tyranny= young, HW wear black shirts, etc. Maybe he was going for visuals more so than anything, odd when you're covering a MUSIC event. oh well.
Haha yeah no kidding guess im to fat. man i dont know what im gonna do. I might get hungry and eat you guys while we are playing!! look out here comes that fat guy who plays with those kids!!
HE missed the first of VOR and writes a blurb about them, he calls Kevin a fat football player, and HW the trench coat MAfia?

BUt he did mention that he is "buddies" with the Aska guys. And wrote a stellar review for them... (not saying Aska is bad or anything)

Can we say that this review was a little bit biased!!!

For starters, Marc Groman rarely talks about the quality of the music and performances. I think its because he wants to cut bands slack when it isn't his thing. When he loves the band he'll make sure to mention how much he loved their performance. So don't take offense really. But Marc, overall, is not one of my preferred reviewers. Mostly it at least provides press for the event and the bands mentioned.
Haha yeah no kidding guess im to fat. man i dont know what im gonna do. I might get hungry and eat you guys while we are playing!! look out here comes that fat guy who plays with those kids!!

I wouldn't sweat it man...you should have heard all the crap that I still get made fun of for when I use to be on stage with EBS.