A note or two on being generally decent and respectful


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia

As you may or may not know, I'm probably the closest thing to a moderator at MD. I like to think that I'm a pretty relaxed kind of guy. Considering some of the fiery arguments and debates we've had over the years (hell, I even started some of them) I think we've all managed to still get along somewhat without the need to have threads closed or deleted.

That said, I think it's time we drew a line somewhere when it comes to posting disrespectful things in memorial threads. The most notable one would be the one regarding Jane McGrath's death. A simple "RIP" and a few kind words are all that's required, rather than making a cheap comment and starting an argument. Same with the Mel Galley thread.

Anyway, I'm a liberal, relaxed, ruggedly-handsome kind of guy and I've let a lot slide over the years, but a bit of respect for the dead wouldn't go astray now and then.

Unless it's someone nasty who has died.


Your fucking kidding right? There were no disrespectful comments. I know you don't like me Nigel, it's as simple as that.

I can't believe of all the posts on this forum in the past 5 years, they would be the ones you delete.
I deleted those posts because I didn't want the thread to degenerate into a slanging match between you and Shadow. It's as simple as that.

It had nothing to do with you personally, except that you're the one who said the comments (which, yes, weren't as disrespectful as some of the utter garbage you've come out with over the years).
I'm not sure caught the whole slanging match, but I got the impression that Matt was talking more about Glenn Hughes' comments rather than Galley, at least in his initial post. I think he might have acutally missed a work though that changed the context a bit. At least there was one sentence that I had to read a couple of times before it made sense.
It wasn't so much the comment, just the fact that the thread started going downhill. It's as much Shadow's fault, and he's admitted that to me in a PM.

I just don't think there's any place in a RIP thread for anything other than paying one's respects.
What I find annoying is the general lack of empathy expressed throughout the internets. It seems in the last few years it's become de rigeur to act nonchalant about things that genuinely upset people.
The postings on Metalshop after Dimebag was killed was some of the most disgusting, disgraceful, disrespectful and cowardly garbage I've ever seen from keyboard heroes, ever. It was akin to watching those people dancing in the streets after 9/11 happened. I wanted to find one of those fuckers and destroy something they loved before their eyes, and laugh while I did it.
The postings on Metalshop after Dimebag was killed was some of the most disgusting, disgraceful, disrespectful and cowardly garbage I've ever seen from keyboard heroes, ever. It was akin to watching those people dancing in the streets after 9/11 happened. I wanted to find one of those fuckers and destroy something they loved before their eyes, and laugh while I did it.

I remember that those flame wars actually spilt over to lots of other forums.

was a very bad scene.