A Piano Piece I Wrote


Ol Drake
May 18, 2005
This is a Piano Piece I wrote in 2007.

When we were recording "Enter the Grave" with Flemming Rasmussen (Metallica, Morbid Angel) in Copenhagen, Denmark I'd mess around on his grand piano after we'd finished for the day of whatever we were recording. I'd usually play well into the night and just mess
around. Eventually I just started writing this basic little piece, and it went from there. I'm really inspired by Beethoven and Chopin (and Nobuo Uematsu to an extent), but can't play anything that complex.

Enter the Grave was recorded in "Sweet Silence Studios" so I've called this "Sweet Silence", and not "Lick my Love Pump".

Sorry for the blurry video/crappy camera sound.

I'm only a beginner. I've only played as a hobby and taught myself random stuff. Hence why I have to slow down a bit at times.
Best to listen with Headphones for the lower notes, unless you have good speakers.
Yes, the Piano needs tuning (it's just slightly flat and a few notes are out).
Yes my posture/level is wrong.
I want to expand on certain sections, parts and arrangements but I just don't have the time anymore. I will one day when I'm a lot better.
I copyrighted it just in case.

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After years of support and we only get a copy and pasted text from youtube... I know where we stand.

Neglect joke!

Being cerial now... It's tops man. Wouldn't mind hearing it recorded propperly.
After years of support and we only get a copy and pasted text from youtube... I know where we stand.

Neglect joke!

Being cerial now... It's tops man. Wouldn't mind hearing it recorded propperly.

After years of support and we only get a copy and pasted text from youtube... I know where we stand.

Neglect joke!

Being cerial now... It's tops man. Wouldn't mind hearing it recorded propperly.