A project..... ?


Oct 14, 2003
I've got a little profect I've been wanting to do for the last year or so and thought I'd see if you guys here on the old school brd would like in on it. Are any of you guys familiar with the 60's comps called Nuggets or Pebbles? They are very cool, they track down some of the most obscure 60's garage/poppy songs you can imagine. The Nuggets have even been released as 2 seperate boxsets, and Pebbles did like 28 volumes on vinyl. Anyway, I'd like to do something like this for 80's underground metal and with the knowledge that's floating around on this brd it could be killer.

We could take our time and make suggestions for songs/bands and vote on the track lists. I'd like to somehow do it with liner notes that has info on each band, nothing big, just a small bio. Have some one design covers and the whole 9 yards. Get it all together and post it for download and then move onto the next vol. Everyone have an input and all of use vote on stuff.

This would be a good way for all of us to hear some stuff we've never heard, plus it keeps the music alive. And who knows, maybe they will take off and other people will get into checking them out. That's how the nuggets thing started, just some fans who wanted to keep the music alive.

The ground rules would be that it's 80's metal only and the more obscure (but good) bands. Indie, self released, demos.... anything. Any styles are cool, we could even try to do the volumes by style or scene.

The title I've been kicking around is Metal Bolts Vol. what ever.... kinda in the style of nuggets and pebbles.

So would anyone be interested in helping on this.... or am I a big geek with way too much time on his hands? :D

Track no 1 on the first vol will be..... Jag Panzer - Warfare (Ample Destruction)
sounds good to me greeno.the only thing i'm gonna need you to do is help me with any technical stuff-i.e putting songs on my computer for you to download.i havnt got a fucking clue about stuff like that.also,how you copy cassettes and vinyl onto cd to then download onto the pc.sorry if i seem like a dumbass,BUT I AM!!!!
baldyboy said:
sounds good to me greeno.the only thing i'm gonna need you to do is help me with any technical stuff-i.e putting songs on my computer for you to download.i havnt got a fucking clue about stuff like that.also,how you copy cassettes and vinyl onto cd to then download onto the pc.sorry if i seem like a dumbass,BUT I AM!!!!

That's kinda hard to do over the net, Baldy. Do you have a computer geek friend who could show you some stuff? I can show you an easy way to rip tracks from a cd but as for doing stuff from tapes and vinyl it can get involved. I'd love to help get you going but without being in the same room it's hard. Can anyone else here help?

If nothing else you can make suggestions for songs and some one else can track them down.

I'll email you links for some ripping software.
Greeno said:
That's kinda hard to do over the net, Baldy. Do you have a computer geek friend who could show you some stuff? I can show you an easy way to rip tracks from a cd but as for doing stuff from tapes and vinyl it can get involved. I'd love to help get you going but without being in the same room it's hard. Can anyone else here help?

If nothing else you can make suggestions for songs and some one else can track them down.

I'll email you links for some ripping software.

dont worry greeno,if its a bit involved then i'll get kelly-panic cells guitarist,to show me how to do it.he is the ultimate technician-anything to do with music and computers he can deal with.if it was just a simple explanation,i'd get you to tell me.kelly can already(and quite rightly) feel superior to me when it comes to this techno stuff,i dont want to give him even more to crow about!!!!!
but whatever i can,i'm up for it.my collection of 80's metal vinyl,cd's and various demo tapes(even some of my old bands if you REALLY want to hear bad 80's metal)are all at your disposal.i can see ted and our swiney friend being very keen on this. :headbang:
baldyboy said:
but whatever i can,i'm up for it.my collection of 80's metal vinyl,cd's and various demo tapes(even some of my old bands if you REALLY want to hear bad 80's metal)are all at your disposal.i can see ted and our swiney friend being very keen on this. :headbang:


I hope you're right about Ted and Six. I also was hoping that Hawk would be into it also, sounds like he has a great collection, and Tropper since he is the Hair Metal expert. And everyone else here, the more the better. It's not like everyone has to be ripping vinyl and sending mp3's around on the net, just giving suggestions will help. However, being able to share that old rare stuff you have will be great!
AngelWitch73 said:
I´d be willing to help out with some songs. Sounds like a cool idea !

GREAT! That makes 3 of us so far, lets see if any of the other guys jump on board.
sixxswine said:
Okay cool. Now the only requirement is that it's from the 80's & a rarity is that correct?!

Yep, let's only use songs from the 80's. Just want to use forgotten bands, the ones that everyone has heard of but may not have heard before. However, good demo stuff would be great also.
No real time frame. We'll just keep at it until we have 15 or so tracks for this one and then move onto disc 2. Some time today I'm going to read through the other thread and see how many tracks we may have to far. I'll post the total on in that thread.
hogghead said:
i may ave some stuff around which my be of use i will dig them out. old demos and vinyl only from the eightys right?

Yeah, the hard to find stuff. Thanks for helping out!
Greeno said:
Yeah, the hard to find stuff. Thanks for helping out!

dont get too carried away greeno-hogghead spent most of the eighties listening to (and playing in bands in!)the u.k hardcore scene.you ever heard much of that stuff?napalm death were the lightweight outfit in it-the popularist ones.the bands that hogghead played in and with were just brutal noise-hell i know, i played bass in one of them with him for a while.
this aint no pussy new york hardcore-take 77's punk albums and play em at 78!!!know what i mean?
aside from that,he's got great taste in music-apart from the jam of course.
whatever he gives you will be,lets say,"sonically interesting"! :D
baldyboy said:
dont get too carried away greeno-hogghead spent most of the eighties listening to (and playing in bands in!)the u.k hardcore scene.you ever heard much of that stuff?napalm death were the lightweight outfit in it-the popularist ones.the bands that hogghead played in and with were just brutal noise-hell i know, i played bass in one of them with him for a while.
this aint no pussy new york hardcore-take 77's punk albums and play em at 78!!!know what i mean?
aside from that,he's got great taste in music-apart from the jam of course.
whatever he gives you will be,lets say,"sonically interesting"! :D

Sounds like this could get interesting or frightening. :D