A question about my NES


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
Ok, so last week I bought a NES at the local game store. I got it working last week, and played all the games I had. But now, it never seems to work. All I get is a blue blinking screen. Is anyone here familiar with NES hardware or something?
Actually, now that I think more about it. Do you have the tv on the right input selection? I know when I play PS2 if I have the wrong input on, it is a blue screen.
Oh this brings back memories, the daily blowing of the NES. Have you tried blowing into the NES to get out the dust? Do the same with the games too.
Yeah, I blew on it multiple times. Also, it's only one cable, to the cable connector thingy.

But I'll try blowing on it more. Because last week this happened a bit and I blew on it, and it started to work.
What do you guys think of the Turbo Grafix 16 & the Sega Master System?? What about the Game Gear & Atati Lynx??

I had The Fucking Sega Master System with the 3D glasses. That was slap full of epic win. The Nintendo Virtual Boy was very good at fail, however.
I use to have to blow on mine pretty well, and then the game had to be placed perfectly in the slot for it to work. Try pushing the game in really tight, or loose. Pretty much just fuck around with it.
perfect timing for this thread, just saw powerglove...

i now have the sudden urge to get an NES
I use to have to blow on mine pretty well, and then the game had to be placed perfectly in the slot for it to work. Try pushing the game in really tight, or loose. Pretty much just fuck around with it.

Yeah. NES is pretty kickass and everything, but holy shit it's an unstable fucker.