A question for Dan(or people who know a whole lot)


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
well it's actually more than one question
how long have you known tom nouga?
how old were you(and the other guys from EoS in "the spectral sorrows"?
I ask this because it mentions something about military service from the bassplayer.and here(in mexico)we have to go on military service when we turn 18,and when I was 18 I was getting drunk not making excellent records!
well that is all for now
oh yeah,how do you get so much inspiration? it's fucking incredible what you do with music
:lol: Well I can answer the first one. Tom is the stage name of Dan's older brother Dag, so however old Dan is is the answer :lol:

(I'm not laughing at you, by the way, it's just it's a funny question when you know the answer ;))
When EoS signed their contract with Black Mark, Dan had to get his mother's signature on it too because he was underaged (17 I think). So he was something in the lines of 19-21 I think during Spectral Sorrows. Dunno about the others. And you can also postpone your military service quite easily. At least here in Finland.
Hi there..

We'll..I have known Tom Nouga for some years now. I fiest heard of him at a show in Finspång when I was like 12 or something..my brother (Who happens to be Tom Nouga) I have know all my life!!!

I was 17 when we signed for Black Mark..pretty young!! But it was in those day you had than drive to get things done...