A question for Mr Dane


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
Uhm...I plan on selling the painting I did for All the Cowards Hide during an art show in May...along with some small prints (which I'm making a.s.a.p.).

Since the lyrics are in the background, I was wondering what I should do...
I can erase the lyrics on the prints (in photoshop), but I can't do that on the actual painting....

If I clearly note that the lyrics are copyrighted by you, Nevermore and Century Media, will I be ok?
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Just send 4 easy payments of $5,000 to me and I'll take care of all the copyright issues you have.

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CarpeNoctem said:
Oh yes.... You two hate or love cats? ...

This animal is one of the most unnecessary on this fucking planet... -.-
HM, but... I like cats... grilled :)

Cats i know of, like you too...
You sure you're gonna include CM in there?
What if they claim royalties over those posters?
Then it might not WD you'll fear, but Blind Lady Justice.
She's a bitch.

Frankly, I think Nevermore would be better off with Dethklok's label. :p
Dead_Lioness said:
"Mr. Dane" sounds so formal.

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