A question for pondering

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
Do the people you talk music (among other things) to affect what you listen to?

I though of this cause I looked at my audioscrobbler thingy and my top 5 neighbours are all RCers.
considering that everyone i truly talk to (as in beyond small talk) is somehow enthralled with music just as much as i am, i'd say yes.
Used to more than they do now, most of the bands I've checked out lately have just been from reading about them.

Notable exception: ColoUr Haze! Thanks guys!
And now for something completely different...

This forum turned me to more amazing artists within 6 months of presence than the entire "metal reviews landscape" the past four years or so. I wouldn't say it has changed my tastes, but widened my horizon fo sho...
AsModEe said:
My friends listen to crap music, but yeah, I can say these forums have an influence on what I listen to.

Much the same here (I'm surrounded by emopussies), especially in the areas of doom and other non-traditional metal, but even the genres where I discover most artists through independent research (read: browsing review sites) like prog and post-rock I have benefited heavily from forum input.
Mostly one person here converted me from grind-fag to listener of decent music. Chromitoes <3
Sometimes I lurk on metal-observer.com to download free mp3 samples from bands I don't know. Most of the time it bores the shit out of me though.
This is about the only forum I religiously look at. I hold the majority of people who post on this lovely section of UM opinions in high regard. (Was that a run on sentence?)

Thankfully I have this place, if I turned to my real life cohorts, the only discussion I would be having is about 2pac.