A Question For Ralph Santolla


Jan 23, 2005
During times in the band Death....What was your favorite memory while being the band?

What was your favorite song(s) playing live while in Death?
I ahve TONS of great memories, it was almost always fun. I remember one thing really clear - the first time I saw Carcass. They were on the first tour I did with Death. Chuck kept saying " Dude, you're gonna LOVE these guys". The first gig was in Hamburg ( also the same day I met Jack Owen, but that's a very sad memory indeed), and me and Chuck went and stood on the stage while Carcass played. I was fucking awestruck. My favorite song to do live was Lack of Comprehension.
hey Ralph whast goin on? I was wondering what sort of destortion presets do you use as well as pre amps and effects :) Thanks man, rock the fuck on!
I sometimes use a wah. In the studio there's a bit of delay or reverb on my leads, but I pretty much plug straight into the amp. I'm not very gear oriented.