a question for the cat people


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
so pumpkin sleeps on my bed every night, usually at the foot of bed. However, lately he has this habit of finding a spot on the bed and scratchign at it. Not like he does when scratches the carpet or anything but just pawing at the spot for like 10-15 mins before laying down.

Is this weird? Or is it just the cat version of a dog walking in circles for minutes before finally laying down. Or is it just more proof that pumpkin really is a big dog in a kitty's body?
actually, if he is just treading his paws and not scratching per se, he is "kneading", and it is sort of a sign of affection. not necessarily for you, though. the bed!
my gf's dogs have a giant 'dogbed' (like 4'x3') and this little weiner dog was once trying to move it by sitting on it and jumping and scraping backward with her front paws. she did not understand that it would not move with her sitting on it at the time. sort of how little kids think you can't see them when they cover their eyes. i watched this for 4 minutes before i got up and moved it for her. but she also does the digging thing in the bed to get under the covers and/or make a nice spot.

her dogs' asses are also magnetically attracted to whatever remnant of blanket is touching the floor off the couch/bed, and wraps herself up in it, in effect stealing the cover from whomever is on the bed/couch.

This last part is rather annoying, especially after they come in from running around outside in the rain/snow/mud.