Question for Boston people...

i think it's possible. a single lung and the heart are what're most important, plus some vitals which can be packed in (probably the entire ribcage is actually there).

a lot of digestive and waste disposal stuff, which isn't necessary at all times, can probably be simulated when he goes home and hooks himself up to machines, right?
alex, yr right. but i wonder where the lung would go. i mean, they're big! and it would need to expand AND have a sealed chamber to exist in. crazy.
remember that with two-thirds of his body mass missing, and no physical activity to speak of (walking, standing, etc.), he probably needs a lot less oxygen. maybe even half a lung would do?
that's true. but i still wonder. without a diaphragm... and having his cavities not the same size.. i wonder if they would even function at a level that wouldnt be toxic?
oh hmm i forgot about the need for a diaphragm.

another good question: if you DID exist only from the shoulders up, wouldn't you sit on a bagful of clothes or something, just to draw fewer stares?
this whole bag of clothes thing is funny because i picture you having a friend scoop up your clothes off the floor into a stop and shop bag for you... if you ever wake up as only two arms and a head.
I woke up this morning and my body was gone"
my roommate gets annoyed because i wont kill cockroaches. i just ask them to leave. they make me think of archie and mehitabel
I don't like killing roaches either. There was one in my moms house the other day when my girlfriend (in town at that point) and I were over and everyone freaked out but I just caught it and let it out the backyard (under the fence to the 90 year old neighbors yard cause I know he won't be able to kill it).
Wow, this is probably the most successful thread I've ever started. Glad everyone is so interested in the disembodied head in a wheelchair.

Anywho, I am off to Georgia for the weekend. Catch you guys later and be sure to keep an eye out for the head/shoulder/arm thing when you go outside.
i hate hate hate roaches but i don't like to kill them because i don't want to contaminate the floor/my foot with their eggy guts. so i just scare them away.

i did used to like archy and mehitabel, though, but i never connected archy with real roaches in my head.