A question to the band

Apr 22, 2003
What can I do besides giving you guys the accolades You so truly deserve. I love the fantastic lyrics and the sudden changes between major and minor choords in the fantastic music that You create!

I recently found this forum and was amazed by the fact that You guys really answer the fans' questions. Not only do You answer them but You, so to speak, "live with the fans" in a truly unique way! So hopefully my question will be answered... :)

The question that I have is one that many musicians in the world have to face. How Do one pay the rent? I mean, even if You have a record contract it's difficult making ends meet if You don't sell a couple of hundred thousand records. Even if I hope that You guys sell that many records, spreading Your fantastic music, there is a slight seed of disbelieve in my mind.

So how do You make ends meet? How do You pay the rent so to speak? Or are You lucky enough to be able to live of Your music?

Since the release of BOAE I have found that, in Sweden anyway, the amount of people that have heard of Enchant has increased by a fantastic number of people and it's now possible to talk about Your music with fellow "Enchanters" and not just with my friend. :) Maybe this has given You an opportunity to make a living of the music..?

I know that many musicians works as teachers at schools wich gives them a possiblity to work with music all the time and not just during recording of albums. Is it the same with You?

Well I'm really looking forward to the new album and hopefully I will see You guys in, or around, Sweden on the european tour!

Henrik....Great post! I've often wondered this myself - since in an answer by Ed to one of my questions, he responded that ENCHANT wasn't yet big enough to play a certain arena near my area(Fleet Center - Boston, Ma.)....I hope your question is answered.....take care....:)
StocktontoMalone said:
Henrik....Great post! I've often wondered this myself - since in an answer by Ed to one of my questions, he responded that ENCHANT wasn't yet big enough to play a certain arena near my area(Fleet Center - Boston, Ma.)....I hope your question is answered.....take care....:)

Thanks man! :)
henrik.isacsson said:
I recently found this forum and was amazed by the fact that You guys really answer the fans' questions. Not only do You answer them but You, so to speak, "live with the fans" in a truly unique way!

Yeah, I am amazed by this fact as well. Many bands try to get in contact with their fans (Marillion for example) but I think neither of them gets so close as Enchant :)

Anyway, welcome on board, Henrik!
outofthisworld said:
Yeah, I am amazed by this fact as well. Many bands try to get in contact with their fans (Marillion for example) but I think neither of them gets so close as Enchant :)

Anyway, welcome on board, Henrik!

Well I know more bands on this forum who keep in touch with their fans on a daily basis but anyway,it's quite extraordinary that people from all over the world get a chance to get this close to a band. It's almost unreal. It could also mean that bands who do converse with their fans try to learn something from it and try to get some feedback this way.

Refering to the topic here, I'm very curious as well if they make a living out of it. Personally I wouldn't ask questions like this , but now that the word is out,let's hope they reply to your question. Maybe you've openened up a new door. :)
keeper of the flame said:
Refering to the topic here, I'm very curious as well if they make a living out of it. Personally I wouldn't ask questions like this , but now that the word is out,let's hope they reply to your question. Maybe you've openened up a new door. :)

I don't question the integrity of the band in anyway. I believe that their main goal in life, as well as mine, is to create and play music not for the money, the fame or the girls but for the purpose of creating beutiful music. :)

I hope that they can make a living out of it so that they can focus on the music and not have to focus on other things as well that takes time away from the music.

But I totally understand your point of view man! :)

henrik.isacsson said:
I don't question the integrity of the band in anyway. I believe that their main goal in life, as well as mine, is to create and play music not for the money, the fame or the girls but for the purpose of creating beutiful music. :)

I hope that they can make a living out of it so that they can focus on the music and not have to focus on other things as well that takes time away from the music.

But I totally understand your point of view man! :)


Welcome aboard Henrik, glad to have you with us. And hello to everyone else! We are right in thick of finishing the recording of this new one so we have been really busy these days! The guys all say hello and a huge thanks to everyone for all the kind words and most of all, your amazing support!

Ted is actually singing as I speak and his voice just seems to get better! I finished some bass this morning on one song and have a few more! :) more than a few :) Doug is working his ass off to make this sound as incredible as possile every day as well! We all have been very busy! and life as usual won,t slow down for us or anyone else!

Hey what a great question! first off we would not have it any other way than being able to talk to all of you! and we do our best to answer the questions! We should be done with this recording and everything in about a month or less and will get some kind of a chat going or something OK! I was going to try and video tape or photo some of this but damn the schedule is tight and we up against it again! But thats OK becuase there are rewards to that as well! more on that later! ie tours etc!

Hey we ALL work for living! you have to sell an insane amount of discs to make a living of this! You would probably be surprised to know how many of all of our hero's in the business work as well as do this!

So this is very difficult at times! ( like now ) doing both! throw in families and it is really a challenge! But always worth it!

Ooops hoit a bad key there!

Hmmmm where was I?

Oh yes work! that four letter word! day jobs! I work for a large company in the daytime! but have been re-thinking just about everything these days! life has been a trip! I am not sure uyet where I will end up as far as that goes? still waiting for that one big hit right? yeah :)

Bill has the most music friendly and maybe the coolest job of the lot! He designs Syths for Korg! which I find facinating and really cool!

Without shattering our images too much I will just say the rest of us work outside of the business. Ted owns his own co and pretty much works for himself! Doug and Sean do real estate appraising when not making music and I like I said work in a big co! All honest work! but we plan on being relaly big stars soon :) yes I am kidding!

You guys are great! thanks again Ed
Thanks for the reply Ed! Hopefully one day you'll be stars... :)

I went out and got myself Wounded today so now my Enchant collection is complete!

The sun is shining, it's 30 degrees celsius outside and a huge amount of beutiful women are passing by on the street AND Enchant in the cd player. Can life get any better?

I made it.
No scratches. Left Neil’s around ten. Stopped in withers to sleep for a couple
Hours then flew home. Hundredtwentysix and still had another thousand rpm, (took it two miles, but it was still pullin’. Man that guy in the bmw sure got spanked.).
Ok, the gregoria-nchant… my interpretation of it is as follows: background vocals, or similar instruments, (dueling banjos for all I care). But played simultaneously and usually within the same measure, but no rules really apply because the creation of a round is what you’re after. One instrument hangs souly on clear lyric or regimented rhythm beat, while other is off in space merely humming, well chanting, or lead of some kind in either octave or pure major/minor chord enhancing the “feeling” that ‘superman has launched from ground level to just below the earth’s atmosphere, and is maintaining his flight path somewhere in the heavens.’ One important ingredient is to return to same note at change or bridge summing up each flight. Todd’s “love is the answer” is an excellent example of what I’m trying to describe. Listen to it. Actually about every tune that he has ever done has a heavy influence of the ‘gregoria-nchant’ as does ‘journey’ CrosbyStillsNash, floyd. Pretty much all the best bands use it or aspire to it naturally. Weather they actually know what is or not I believe is the one of the ‘keys’ to stardom.
C,S,N took it to a level not many dare using 3 voices unison and created a triplet (chord) with each voice on correct maj/min scale interval. Their success is legendary. With Crosby’s strange off tone voice on the highs (yet in pitch), it gave them the signature sound that everybody knows.
Here comes the self fulfilling prophesy again… my thought is to try it with Ted and Doug, I’m sure I could handle the bass vocals.
For what it’s worth, the reason I came down last weekend wasn’t really to get stang wheels. I wanted to help enchant any way I could so your next album will be aiming towards the gold. You guys are of major talent. So extraordinary treatment deserves, or becomes you. so that’s what this letter and my efforts are tiring to achieve. Honestly. I can only hope that someday I have a chance to affect as many people.
Would love to demonstrate abilities. As usual.