A refugee from Swedishmetal.net


Swedishmetal Refugee
Hello all! Just wanted to introduce myself. 21 years old. Metal has been my life for as long as I've been into music. My specialties are Death Metal and Black metal, and I tend to lean more towards swedish metal over the rest. (though that isn't always the case).
Some bands I dig-Nile, Amon Amarth, Opeth, Emperor, Naglfar, Hypocrisy. That type of thing :D.

I came here because my longtime home at www.swedishmetal.net is...apparently dead....I'm also wondering how many of the REST of us Swedishmetal folk ended up here?

Eh eh? Any of ye?

<--- also a refugee from Swedish Metal.
VALI AND ARCH MY SWEDFORUM BROTHERS! haha guys im online tonight cuz this girl im with sorta is blockign me and not talking to me, im a fucking mess, and it be awesome if our forum was back up. oh this is Syst by the way!.. ROAR!!!!!!!!
Hey there, Syst. :wave: