A Return To Fantasy


Jul 1, 2003
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Hello to everyone!

This is my first post here, so I salute you all :wave:

I´m a huge fan of Uriah Heep, and yesterday I noticed that there is a compilation-tribute album scheluded for August. I think it´s by Century Media, but I´m bot sure.

This is the track-list:

01. ANGEL DUST - "Easy Livin'"
02. NARNIA - "Sunrise"
03. TAD MOROSE - "Rainbow Demon"
04. ONWARD - "Bird Of Prey"
05. LIEGE LORD - "Too Scared To Run"
06. JACK FROST - "Lady In Black"
07. NIGHTINGALE - "Stealin'"
08. LANA LANE - "Weep In Silence"
09. VINTERSORG - "Rainbow Demon"
10. SACRED STEEL - "Return To Fantasy"
11. EASY LIVIN' - "Circle Of Hands"
12. FREEBASE - "Suicidal Man"
13. METALIUM (feat. Ken Hensley) - "Gypsy"

I think that the hightlight of the cd it will be the NIGHTINGALE cover ... well, who knows?

By the way, mr V, why did you do a Heep cover? Are you a Heepster? :)
If you are, what´s is your favourite album/era? It´s just curiosity ;)

I love all the Hensley era, even the Lawton/Sloman albums, but if I have to choose an album, I will choose Demons and Wizards, The Magician´s Birhtday or Sweet Freedom.

I hope that after this summer we´ll have new stuff from Uriah Heep :rock:
HELLcome min!
I've also read about that tribute album and I really wonder why the song "Rainbow Demon" ended up twice on the album!? :confused:
I'm happy the Tad Morose guys finally got the chance to release their version but it doesn't make too much sense to me (and yes, it's by Century Media)
I've been a Heep fan since childhood, and the era I love is the mentioned Hensly/Bayron...the good 'ol 70's....´with fave albums like Sweet Fredom, Look at yourself,Magicians...Return to fantasy, Demons.....and the era with Lawton is also Ok.....everything up to 78-79 is good.

mr V
Vintersorg said:
I've been a Heep fan since childhood, and the era I love is the mentioned Hensly/Bayron...the good 'ol 70's....´with fave albums like Sweet Fredom, Look at yourself,Magicians...Return to fantasy, Demons.....and the era with Lawton is also Ok.....everything up to 78-79 is good.

ha, ha, ha ..... a happy childhood, isn't it? :tickled:

By the way, one of the last albums that I've bought is the David Byron's first album: Take No Prisoners. Highly recommeded to old Uriah Heep fans :notworthy

I hope that this tribute album serve to make the Vintersorg name more known
I like the cover too....

But... i think it's extremely dangerous to make the Vintersorg name more known... I think it's better to stay on the underground...
But that it's just me...

Do you think it's better to stay on the underground mr. V?(just curious)
Undergruond/mainstream...in the open/.....I really actualy don't care that much...I want our music to be heard by alot of people..for artistc reasons..just cause I think we have something unique and fresh...so that it should be heard by alot of people so they can make something out of it...if I/We were in it for dough we would of course do some other kind of music. that would adapt to the market..........music to the people!!

mr V
Couldn't have said it better myself V, your music is unique and fresh, so is a lot of other bands and musicians around now, the problem is its not where the money is so sometimes great stuff gets unheard by the masses, but ill be damned if that keeps me from buying it. Keep up the excellent work V.
Vintersägen said:
But... i think it's extremely dangerous to make the Vintersorg name more known... I think it's better to stay on the underground...
But that it's just me...

I dont know if these kind of things are dangerous or not, but I think that the musicians want is their music be listened, so it can be positive.

I don't consider myself being a part of any scene, underground or not, I just listen to music and if it's good I enjoy it. I've recently discovered Vintersorg after listen to Borknagar's Empiricism, and I discovered Borknagar after read a review of Empiricism in a prog web
http://www.progreviews.com .

Is not good that people that we are not into extreme music listen, enjoy and support these bands?

PD: Sorry for my english, it isn't good :p
Important is that the artists always stay honest to themselves, meaning that they follow their own path in what they believe in... no matter if I like it or not...
Well, I don't care if someone is underground or not. If I like/love the music I buy the albums, no matter what... as long as I enjoy the music of an artist everything if fine... :p
I think I made myself missunderstood. I think i'ts great that you mr. V will always make your music the way you believe and like and I really admire that. You're like my idol.

But as I was saying it's dangerous... I was talking about something we here in Brazil call "pregos". The most closely translation will be "posers", but isn't really that close. I think it's dangerous because music it's a kind of art(the one that I like most) and if the Vintersorg's name spread it will happend the same thing the happened to a lot of non-musician-artist... like a bunch of idiots saying that they read Nietzsche(for example) and don't even know what he is talking about. Maybe don't even read it. In music I think thats even worst. I'm saying that because I love music too much, and I know you guys love it too, but obviously our opinions are different.

I think it's good to other people to discover Vintersorg like I did, but I still think it's dangerous. I think mr. V's music is like a great gift and I only show it to people that I think it deserve. But again, that it's just me...

I do listen to other bands there are not in the underground. No problem. I like Oasis. (Hello Manchester! Hehehe...):p

@min: No... your english is good. Mine is awful.
Vintersägen said:
@min: No... your english is good. Mine is awful.

I know that you're trying to explain, but I don´t really see a real problem on it, mainly because the music Vintersorg makes.

@Vintersägen: Se o nosso ingles nao é bom, sempre poderemos falar em portugues, mais acho que o meu é mesmo mau. :)