A review on Storm on the Abyss: As the Last Embers Darken into Obscurity


New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2009
I just finished up listening to the new Storm on the Abyss album titled As the Last Embers Darken into Obscurity. Their first album, the whopping 144 minute long Quintessence of the Lost Twilight, is no doubt one of the best Funeral Doom albums of 2009, if not of all times. So I was a little skeptical that Storm on the Abyss could pull off another legendary release within the same year! And I have to be honest with ya, they did not disappoint! In fact they surpassed my expectations, leaving my jaw dropped in awe (again).

I don’t know if any of you ever heard their first album Quintessence of the Lost Twilight, but that lengthy legend is nothing but pure crushing atmospheric doom from beginning to end. Those rare few of you who have heard Quint know exactly what I am talking about. Their new album however takes their musical stile a step further by adding a few more dimensions to the mix.

The first song Caliginous Skies over the Vast Steppes of Frozen Dreams opens up with wave after wave of complex guitar riffs and haunting keyboards, and Grumium’s vocals sounds like the lid of hell slowly sliding open, unleashing a swarm of demons into the darkened skies. You will also notice that the drums whip major ass, as well as the bass through out the track. SOTA also add a different instrument to the mix, some sort of eerie acoustic guitar that paints a bleak picture of beauty and despair.

Into Dark Horizons is another ride into the shadows, bleeding forth passage after passage of ear pleasing doom. Again their new acoustical instrument dominates the ending with an almost illusory atmosphere.

The title song As the Last Embers Darken into Obscurity is another storm stile ambient song in the vein of Beneath the Ice and Flutter of the Ashen Light. This dark creation is very dreamlike and haunting, with lots of flowing keyboards and wind. Perfect song for a rainy or snowy night.
Then the Black Rift opens up and all hell breaks loose in a pure orchestra of doom. This song has an abundant supply of haunted melodies and dark curves, and it leaves me wishing that the song would never end. Truly a mind-blowing song.

Then comes the epic tune of the Lost Spirit. This song is a continuation of the story where the song Cold Autumn Mourning left off in the last album. Most funeral doom songs from other bands that go over 15 minutes just drone on and on, and leaves one quickly bored. But The Lost Spirit that Dwelled within the Light of the Moon leaves you at the edge of your seat from beginning to end. You have to hear this freaking song!

And finally the closer, another ambient called Into the Cold Barren Depths of Isolation. The in your face guitar dueling in this song would easily leave the band Iron Maiden completely jealous, as they flow and intertwine to create a complex and ethereal atmosphere. I don’t know what Nehushtan was thinking when he did the guitars here, but he must have been inspired by something great. Truly an amazing song.

Well that about sums it up. If you don’t own Embers, then you are truly missing out on one of the greatest funeral albums of all time. Honestly, they blow the vast majority of funeral doom acts out of the water, and I often scratch my head at why they are not huge right now. But you have to agree with me, some of the greatest bands are sometimes the most obscure ones.
