A ridiculous Bloodbath review

...that kicked Dan Swanö off the drums and over to bass where he belongs.."
HAHAHA Im fucking dying over here!
so that's were a fucking guitar legend belongs!
seriosly, someone should relieve this journalist of life!
I'm a huge ruthlessreviews fan, I think that anyone who takes metal too seriously would benefit from mr mike von hobart's reviews. Many people are probably familiar with his 10 most rediculous black metal pictures articles.
For the love of god don't just bash him left right and center over it, thats exactly what he wants. Morons like this thrive on this sort of childish attention so he can just come along and say "you are all stunning examples of the point I made" and have his acolytes agree with him.

What adults seriously listen to Black/Death Metal? Well there are rather a lot of us in London, considering the average age at gigs is well over 18...
hibernal_dream said:
good review, has some important stuff there about the youth listening to this stuff

So basically you're agreeing with his statements to the effects of "only maladjusted kiddies would listen to this on a regular basis" yet here you are posting on a discussion board dedicated to this vehical of immaturity... Either you just want to appear to be more intelligent and mature than the rest of us (which is all of hypocritical, ironic and un-nessecary) or you felt like trolling through boards of bands you don't like (or consider over-rated) just to make such comments...

Forgive me if I don't take you seriously ever:rolleyes: