A sad day in BrownsTown......


We just gave the Bungles their first win of the season. Now they will go around thinking they are an actual NFL team for a week or so. Playoffs for Brownies doesn't sound so realistic this season. We have the best recievers in football, we should be scoring 28 pts a game. Bruce Arian (sic) and Butch Davis need their gameplans evaluated. I hate me.
Aaaaah da football, it is good.

How many times can the Detroit Lions get fucked in one game? I'm in no way a Lions fan but Jesus these are the worst Zebras EVER
although Slouch handed the Bungles the game w/ that late INT, I still had the unnerving feeling that he deserves the QB job much more than Holcomb. They should prolly consider scrapping both of them, drafting a good QB and getting a solid vet (Mark Brunell??) to play a couple of years. The receivers are in place, the RB is in place, and steve you are correct, we need an O-line.
They were in the middle of re-calling the fumble for the 3rd time when I wrote that.

Still there were two bad interference calls (offense and defense) that went the Broncs way and at least one missed offsides.
AAhh yes The Mistake On the Lake. Its a good day in Cincinnati. If we are only going to win one game a year I want it to be against the Browns. So untill 12/28 we are the champs of Ohio. Then hopefully we will win that one too. Marvin is working on this team. You all can say what you want but I am hopeful that in a few years Marvin can have us in the thick of things. Maybe we can get back in the Superbowl a place Cleveland has NEVER been. At least I can be happy for one week then its off to Buffalo, can the Bengals make it two in a row? We'll see...
TD said:
We just gave the Bungles their first win of the season. Now they will go around thinking they are an actual NFL team for a week or so. Playoffs for Brownies doesn't sound so realistic this season. We have the best recievers in football, we should be scoring 28 pts a game. Bruce Arian (sic) and Butch Davis need their gameplans evaluated. I hate me.
It's was a sad day if you're a Steelers fan too. The Titans winning AGAIN. Sorry, but hopefully next weeks game will make me feel better ; )
Jusy as the Tigers wrap it up the Lie-downs fire up their brand of bootfall......ah, hell....hockey can't be to far off.