A Serbian Film


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
Did you heard about this movie?. It has been prohibited in Spain.
It is said to be a sickest movie ever, full of degenerated scenes.

The movie is about an aging porn star agrees to participate in an "art film" in order to make a clean break from the business, only to discover that he has been drafted into making a pedophilia and necrophilia themed snuff film.

I will not see the film because I listened in a tv program that there is a scene about a birth, and just after the birth a rape of the new born child...:Puke: That is too much for me.

Has mankind gone insane??

The movie has been prized in some festivals.

You can see the trailer.
Yes, pretty fucking sick if some cunt filmed this kinda stuff for real and posted on the internet, put it on DVD etc, but geezus, it's just a movie.
IT'S NOT REAL FOLKS. It's art. Whether you like it or not is another matter, but it's not like some cunt has gone and put a real kid in front of you and proceeded to rape the fuck out of him/her.
Personally, I really like it when directors go completely against the grain of today's fucking awful Hollywood comedies and so called "horrors" that are completely predictable. It's nice to see something that's daring, something that challenges and makes us question our beliefs and something that makes us just actually think.
To me, it's like a good album. I want it to hit me in the fucking gut emotionally, with heaps of power and intensity.
These kind of films offer this to us, for those of us who don't want to have to sit through another "Road Trip" or one of those fucking romantic 'comedies'.

I love that uncomfortable and unsettling feeling you get from a genuinely powerful horror.
It inspires me, it makes me think and I find I'll always be spending time occasionally researching the things the film covered.
I like how an hour after the feel has ended, I can still feel the film inside me somehow.

I'll go buy this and watch it many times over because it sounds genuinely fascinating and different.
despite art being subjective, i hardly think it was the directors intention, it was a movie made for shocking people and that is it. I agree with the Hollywood part, but there are movies that deliver a different perspective and a intriguing ending without fucking newborns. If you endure such film as this Serbian Movie, to make you feel more man, i pity you.
A friend at uni told me about this, I havn't seen it yet. Not sure if I will get around to though.

Anyway, I really like the theme song to this film, nasty/slimy/creepy, really suits the themes of the plot.
I watched it and tbh didn't think much of it, it's an intense movie but had I not read about it first I would have been truly shocked. I prefer more supernatural horror flicks from the seventies like The Exorcist, Omen, Rosemary's Baby etc...
The real stuff that happened in the Serbia/Bosnia conflict is easily more sick than this movie.
And yes, mankind gone insane a looong time ago my friend.
i don't mind horror movies, in fact i love them, but i dislike the fact that its called "a SERBIAN movie", as if serbia was like that, it somehow annoys me, its simply not true that the former soviet states are all dark, evil, & dangerous, with gangs of homeless children killing people by throwind bricks onto them for some sweets,
its perfectly ok for movies to be unrealistic, but its really unnecessairy to emphasize it so much that this is about serbia - it fuckin isnt
I haven't seen the movie and I don't intend to cause it's not my cup of tea. If someone likes that kind of stuff than be my guest. I have no problem with that. But like abigor731, I don't like the title - that's the worst kind of generalization.
heard about this one. i've been watching the sickest stuff
over the years but i am not sure if i want to see this one.

^ ok, again, who made the movie?

Yeah, yeah, I get your point and that's exactly what I wanted to say - generalization is a bad thing. Creator of the movie is an obvious attention whore and no one should equate his sick mind with mentality of the nation and I'm afraid that some, with a little help from the title, might just do that. Personal opinion of course.
I get your point and all as well .. I'm just saying, its not like a swedish film maker decided to call his move "A Serbian Film" or anything like that. If someone reserves the right to call it that, I guess it would be him more than anyone else. Even if it had been called something else, anyone who watches it would still equate what happens in the movie with where it was made. Thats the whole point in a way

You think Slovakia is thrilled with the Hostel movies? :D
I`ve been hesitant to see it after all the comments I`ve read about it, but after I saw it, I didn`t think it was that bad. I expected it to shock me, but it didn`t happen.
I mean, sure, there`s some sick stuff, but the things that are really "off limits" weren`t made absolutelly belivable (unlike some other stuff, which were). Besides, as Harry said, it`s only a movie.
It does however have a unique atmosphere throughout that makes it worth watching.
Sorry but there are things that go over the line - graphic depictions of violence to children are completely unnecessary to convey your "artistic" viewpoint. If this movie truly does have a seen in which a newborn child is raped, then the movie should be banned.
And of course, we can't forget the scene where he's vigorously thrusting away at someone under a sheet, who is later revealed to be his preteen son! Yup, movies like that sure make me think alright...specifically about how desperate and utterly classless some filmmakers can be