a series of haikus (NE Metalfest thread #1)


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
Denny's is warm
never trust a Serb named Dave
with your belongings

Pam - best waitress evr
coffee is a laxative
and quite powerful

the commuter rail
does not run often enough
Denny's is warm

the table wobbles a bit
seven hours to go

"Give me back my phone
give me back my fucking phone"
pls shut that bitch up

how is it you knew
cell phone was about to die
no call to goatschool

checking your balance
important to do often
ATM is warm
Okay. I guess I'll tell the story. Azal arrived. He and Josh hit it off so well that the former's date stormed off screaming "fag hag". Josh went to spend the night but the dishonest serb drove off with his belongings and left him stranded in Worcester. Greg was there as he uhhh... had an ice cream and pie social with Opeth after their set.

I kinda figured since my bag was in your car that you would let me know when you were leaving. I don't think we were expecting a ride from you anywhere though.

tomorrow I will start editing your posts so beware!
haha shit.

here's the whole story.

I completely forgot about your bag!!

I was mad beat by the time opeth came on, I woke up at 6 that day, drove 4.5 hrs and was totally drained. So I bailed. I saw the bag, I went back and they were all "no re-entry...you know the rules."

so I'm like fuck.

I figured you guys were taking the train back to greg's and would come back tommorow and I would give you your stuff. And if it was like your change of clothes, I was gonna offer you guys to come to the hotel and like shower and change if you wanted to.

I didn't know you guys were gonna hang all night in Worcester and didn't have a ride. And if you asked me, I would have totally given you guys a lift to Greg's or whatever.

that's the whole truth!
so you guys were bobby bad-planning and I was franky forgetful, and shit got fucked up.

Whatever though, I'll take a week of internet guilt trips and hurtful haikus if neccessary.

i blame no one but myself for being stranded.

I blame that little leprechaun bastard in that atonal hardcore band.We were too busy giggling for the next few hours to introduce logic. Well... okay. I thought of it and even had a plan just in case but dude, she was drunk and fat and incoherent! You can't expect me to pay attention.

thats right i forgot about kleo getting the lovin on friday night. she was all over you dude.

also azal, i was looking for yuo guys after strapping young lad to see if you all wanted to get some drinks before i was on my way out. sorry i didn't get to say bye.
thats right i forgot about kleo getting the lovin on friday night. she was all over you dude.

She asked me to email her. As repayment for the booze, I did so.

"Hello. This is the tallish blur you hit on and bought a shot for during Opeth while ranting about how sweet and sexy I was. Just emailed to thank you for the semi-inadvertent amusement and fully intentional alcohol. . ."

Ought to be interesting if she replies. I was all of 2 feet behind her yesterday and she didn't recognize me. Just as well. I've got a humdinger of a 33 year old goth! YEEEEEEHAW!


p.s. Will trade said goth for case of Ramen.

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