A short discussion on big getting bigger


Apr 16, 2007
I just watched the news and it told me that you cannot use a cell phone while driving, but Bluetooth can be used just fine.

One more for the corporation.

The point of this is that they used a hole in the story to accomplish this deed. They took something that had been festering in the media networks for some time, such as cell phones among teens being a rising concern due to accidents involved with using said phones, and gladly profit on it.

I was going to get a Bluetooth headset. They look flashy. But they just went too far this time. Fuck Bluetooth.

First of all, welcome to two years ago.

Second of all, Bluetooth actually makes sense in the scope of driving. It IS safer, and you DO have a choice. Nobody's using the system to force you to spend money. It's not a law that you have to have it, unlike insurance.

I don't really think there's some big conspiracy here to get people to buy Bluetooth. It's existed long before any of the hands free laws ever came about. There are still multiple alternative legal ways to talk on your phone while you drive. Does your phone have speakerphone capabilities? You're set. Did your phone maybe come with an earbud and cord that you can plug right in? It's basically the same thing as bluetooth, but a corded headphone instead.

Not everything is such a big deal.
I had a western BBQ burger with bacon from a nice bar and grill for lunch. Thing was huge, I couldn't finish it. I HATE not finishing burgers, but I just couldn't find the room in my gullet. I'd have never been able to make the walk back to work.
damn, I was too lazy to go out and shop for food so I just took some frozen ground beef, defrosted it (it was already cooked) and threw it in a tortilla and bam, super cheap burrito that along with cheese puffs made a tasty yet horribly un-healthy dinner.
Using a cell phone while driving has been illegal here since 2003, but of course not many drivers take notice of the law and get busted all the time. I have the Bluetooth function on my phone, but not a headset.. I just don't answer it, and they'll call back if it's really important.

Back on topic:
Today I had a foot long meatball sub, on Italian herb bread. With extra cheese, shredded ham, turkey, bacon, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, peppers, olives, carrot, green pepper, and with thousand islands dressing... Now I feel like backing an 18 wheeler out of my ass :loco:
Fuck bluetooth.

I hate it when I hear someone say something, see no one else around, ask them to repeat it, and have them ignore me. Then I feel stupid for talking.

So fucking annoying.
Actually, using Bluetooth headsets while driving are more safe and it makes sense to require them. On the other hand, the conspiracy of companies nudging for laws to be made regarding the use of cell phones while driving holds truth. Companies will actually pay government for them to pass a bill so that they can dominate the market. I'd get more into it but the Nyquil is kicking in.
I can't believe YOU people would buy in to that media. When was the last time you had an accident relating to cell phone usage?

Not many people realize this but it's because of nimrods that this world is now a colder place for me. The point is, for me, these things:

1) It insinuates that ALL people are stupid and cannot multitask
2) It insinuates that ALL cell phone usage while driving will risk a crash when NOBODY GAVE A FUCK BEFORE ALL THIS SHIT.
3) I cannot drive by a cop while on the phone in my car.

There is a certain level of efficiency I like to keep in my life and that's the simple kind. I just wanna grab my cell from the cup holder and flip it open and talk.

I can drive wasted, I can do this too.
I don't like these laws against murders. Not many people realize this but it's because of nimrods that this world is now a colder place for me. The point is, for me, these things:

1) It insinuates that ALL people are murderous and cannot control themselves
2) It insinuates that ALL violent actions will risk a death when NOBODY GAVE A FUCK BEFORE ALL THIS SHIT.
3) I cannot murder a cop while on the phone in my car.

I'll take it. But I know I'm right about it fucking with your mind. One more excuse to not give a shit, am I right? Just one more good enough reason to accept the new definition for civil disobedience, right?

You're about as clever as they come, White Beast. You just passed off a power play as nothing because this world makes you not want to care about it. Your piece is already moved for you up the board.
This isn't about power or politics, this is you whining about being mildly inconvenienced for the sake of safety of everyone else on the road (its for their sake, no one cares if you get yourself killed).

Oh wait, this is a Resonator thread.

What should I have for lunch, people?
Talking on the cellphone while driving isn't like lighting a cigarette while driving. You can multitask all you want but using a cellphone while driving cuts your reaction time exponentially...it's a proven fact. Your brain cannot process the same things at the same speed when you've got half of it on something else. If you're driving a lawnmower in your front yard then it's probably not a problem, but 80 mph down interstate is another thing or in rush-hour traffic.

Yeah go ahead and drive in Paris or Rome at rush hour with a cellphone and see how long you last. If you don't kill yourself, the other motorists will kill you.
It's got to the point now where in the UK driving whilst talking on a mobile is considered almost as stupid a thing to do as drink driving. Even talking on speaker phone or with a headset isn't the smartest thing to do.
I don't even answer my phone at home most of the time. I hate telephones. They ring and ring and ring and most of the conversations are so intelligible and trite that I would have rather spent that time talking about my mom's neighbor's dog doing something more fun like playing football or reading a book.

The telephone is another invention that's a great idea, but people abuse it. Stop calling me about telemarketing and your third cousin's friend's husband's calendar notes. I don't fucking care.
I can't believe YOU people would buy in to that media. When was the last time you had an accident relating to cell phone usage?

Not many people realize this but it's because of nimrods that this world is now a colder place for me. The point is, for me, these things:

1) It insinuates that ALL people are stupid and cannot multitask
2) It insinuates that ALL cell phone usage while driving will risk a crash when NOBODY GAVE A FUCK BEFORE ALL THIS SHIT.
3) I cannot drive by a cop while on the phone in my car.

There is a certain level of efficiency I like to keep in my life and that's the simple kind. I just wanna grab my cell from the cup holder and flip it open and talk.

I can drive wasted, I can do this too.

What do you mean by, YOU people. :mad: :lol:

I have never met a person that could drive with a phone, or drunk. Most people can't drive anyhow. Also, everyone I've ever met who believed they could multitask with a phone stuck to their ear, and drive, were delusional.