A Simple Mistake - Anathema's second new release


syndrome lover
Apr 22, 2004
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.


think for yourself you know what you need in this life
see for yourself and feel your soul come alive tonight
here in the moment we share, trembling between the worlds we stare
out at starlight enshrined, veiled like diamonds in..

...time can be the answer, take a chance, lose it all
it's a simple mistake to make to create love and to fall
so rise and be your master you don't need to be a slave
of memory ensnared in a web, in a cage

i have found my way to fly free from the constraints of time
i have soared through the sky seen life far below in mind
breathed in truth, love, serene, sailed on OCEANS OF BELIEF
searched and found life inside, we're not just a moment in time...

....can be the answer, take a chance lose it all
it's a simple mistake to make to create love and to fall
so rise and be your master you don't need to be a slave
of memory ensnared in a web, in a cage

there's a real cool text on website so you should all check it www.anathema.ws
Got it yesterday, I really liked it. Better than "Everything"...darker and powerfull. Lyrics are great. Been listenin to it non stop
Check it out!
Fateful, THANKS SO MUCH for this post. Man, you have made my day - this new Anathema song is absolutely TERRIFIC! I agree with the majority here, FAR superior to the previous "Everything" (which disappointed me.)

This is good news for me now, I'm totally psyched about this forthcoming release and will now do everything in my power to support the group. I should have anyway considering they are one of my all-time fave bands, but now this song gives me hope for the new album and they do in fact deserve it.

Wow, 6 times in a row listening to it as soon as I downloaded it. The tune, there is just something "ethereal" about it - I can't seem to stop listening to it. I just LOVE the atmosphere and mood that it brings out to me.

Once again, thanks for the post and link. I don't think I'd make myself come across it otherwise (having lost all faith in this band, until now.) :)

edit: ^^^ Haha, I share Cerulean's sentiments exactly - just came across that...damn good song indeed!