a small favor

yea well i'd say metal with punk influences, it's weird the people who listen to mostly metal say its punk teh peopel who listen to mostly punk say its metal...but it doestn really matter what we are and our music doesn't appeal to everyone. thanks again for the listens.
aarrrghh I hate the vocals. I hate them.

the intro is very good, almost like Castlevania or something like that... but then the music goes punk :cry:

specially the punk choirs are... :mad:
and the drums following the intro need a new work.

all in all it begins well, and then it loses itself too much... and the vocals, no no no!!

well but anyway, I hope I haven't offended you man. the beginning of it is good. don't give this song a rest. :grin:
The intro and middle-8 sections are metal, the song itself is punk though. Congratulations, you've positioned yourself between two conflicting subcultures:) Don't fret though, this has worked out quite well for rap-metal bands until recently.

You could try mixing metal riffing under the vocals or something, so that it doesn't feel like 2 completely different songs in a car crash, and so the musical parts and the vocal parts actually sound as if they should go together.

As it is, as soon as the vocals cut in, it feels as if I've accidentally got a punk song into my playlist, and I just want to hurl my computer out the window:)
i never thought i was a good singer anyway i jsutnever foudna way to sing our songs. and i cannot scream for very long. i was not offended by anything. i enjoyed readign what you have to say about the song. what kind of vocals do u think would sound good in it? this song went through many changes
like ayear go it was a really bad song witha horrible structure then we got moreinflucences and jsut threw the intro in so that would explain why it does't fit with the rest of the song. we figured hey its in the same key why not.
Originally posted by TheDean
You could try mixing metal riffing under the vocals or something, so that it doesn't feel like 2 completely different songs in a car crash, and so the musical parts and the vocal parts actually sound as if they should go together.

this is a very good sugestion! I think you should try it!

about what vocals should fit you best, I don't know how to answer that, dude. do you take singing classes? if you don't, maybe it's time you should think about it, I have a lot of friends who sing in bands, and they all take it.

I really think the choirs in the song are just too "punkish teen angst the system is bad", it blows. the song has way too much punk for a metal-fan to give it a chance, and has an intro with too many different notes for a punk-fan to like it :lol:

if you'd like to do metal with punk influences, you should definitely listen to some songs in COB's new HCDR album. hmmm and maybe write some more parts for the keyboard eh? put some more atmosphere into the song...

arrgh too many suggestions, just follow your heart, man. :grin: