A small musician-english-musician lesson

When the band's contact person tells you they are a normal band with a couple of flutes etc. and they need PA for a club gig, they actually mean they're a 24-piece big band. And of course, they reveal their horrible secret AFTER the PA and stage is set up. Well, let's see what a handful on 57's and 58's and a small A&H desk can do.

Fuck my life.
Well, they didn't. As a matter of fact, me and the friend who I did this gig with, left without a single fucking penny. 11 hours of work, 100km of driving, PA equipment, setup and mixing, and no fucking money. We're supposed to get it later on (and I just calculated our salary ended up a bit over 5e per hour so it SHOULDN'T be a problem), but I'm skeptical.

Gonna break me some kneecaps...