A small spam problem.


Apr 13, 2001
I havn't checked my Deakin email account for about six months. I knew they have a problem with spam, but this fucking stupid.


Webmail now moves Spam email to your SPAM folder by default.
The mail server will automatically delete messages in your INBOX folder that are unread and are older than 60 days.

Q. Why doesn't ITS just delete the spam?
It is not appropriate for ITS to delete spam flagged email as that would be censorship.

What a load of rubbish. Fucking arts students and their freedom of speech bullshit. It's their fault I tell you.

btw - That's not even the 'spam folder'. It's my f'king inbox. :mad:
Yeah, 1840 spam emails in my Inbox. I'd say there's probably a dozen legitimate ones, but as if I'm gonna go looking. :lol: