A special festival with SPECIAL people


Yes,they call me Aki too.
Jul 18, 2002
Helsinki, Finland
Visit site
I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!

Oh well, simply awesome to see a lot of you people think otherwise. :) I just heard that the fund is complete now (hell, even more than complete) in like 48 hours only. I decided to start a new thread for this, definitely not for myself but for the great people.

HUGE thanks to Drew for setting it up and believing on it in the first place. We shall be doing lots of partying in less than 12 weeks dude! And I'm damn proud I know someone who's able to use MS Paint that impressively to create such web graphics! An ancient art form ;)

I haven't gotten the final list of the donors - and besides you all know who you are: Thanks a MILLION, I am deeply impressed how nice and generous you are and how much you can care about someone getting his ass over there. Can't wait to get to say thanks in person too!

What more can I say, I always thought it was a special festival with special people and THIS if something proves that I've been damn right about it. I'm pretty sure you all agree with me on this eh?

/me bows down, see you all there in September! Less than 12 weeks to go!

And since Curu made the fund website Finn-flavoured too, a big KIITOS (thanks in Finnish) to you all!

-Aki- :worship:
Aki, you deserve it... period! :) As I told ya... happened so quickly that I hadn't had the chance to donate yet, so you're throwing back a few alcoholic beverages my treat. AND you get to actually make the dinner. Kick ass!

ProgPowerPeeps :headbang:
This is so cool. I'm so glad you're going to make it. Looking forward to meeting you and sharing a beverage or two. Kiipis! :kickass:

Hey Aki, When I first read the title to this thread... I thought you were suggesting we all ride the prog/power "short bus" to the festival. :tickled:

This year, we need to hook up sometime OUTSIDE of the actual festival! You need to drop by the Hotel room before the show and throw down some serious brews!
