A special and heartfelt thank you

Coldfire Mouse

Magpie Witch
Mar 2, 2002
In The Shadows
I'll post more thank yous and cheers in the Cheers and Jeers thread..but I wanted to make a special thank you.

Thank you so much to the amazing people who helped out a very distressed lady early on Thursday at the pre-party and got on their hands and knees in front of the bar to help me.

Ya see while talking and catching up with a friend...one of the emeralds fell out of my engagement ring. Talk about destroying me. And some very nice people came to try and help me search in the dark with cell phone lights and running their hands over the carpet to find my stone in the semi-darkness.

And even after searching for a half an hour and being lifted up to my feet...they would still stop me later in the evening to see if by chance I had found the stone. YOu all rule. Your kindness touched me deeply. I'm only sorry I was too distraught at the time to give you proper thanks and get your names.

So if you were one of those that did....thank you. No we never found the stone. It was prolly sucked up in the vacuum after house lights came up when the place cleared out. We'll have to have it replaced. Right now...naked finger and it makes me feel un-engaged. :(

And yes... the man who gave me the ring...is far more important and cherished than the ring it self. I'm just a sentimental woman.

Thank you
