A Special Message from Kirk Cameron

heh I was hard pressed to make it that long. Soon as I heard the words "bible" and "school" I knew I wouldn't make it 6 full minutes :lol:
Fucking classic :lol:

I'm offering a special "anniversary" edition of the bible with a 50 page introduction by Richard Dawkins, outlining:

The history of the Bible
Timeline of Jesus's life
Numerous historical atrocities' undeniable connection with Christianity
Racism in the Bible
The Bible's disdain for women

It also lists the Bible's many logical fallacies and historical innacuracies - It exposes the unscientific belief that a big man in the sky created everything. It points to the clear evolutionary path from RNA to DNA, and explains what transitional features in fossils actually are and shows many examples. It then presents a balanced view of evolutionary theory, with information from scientists, who actually believe that the theory as presented by Darwin was an initial hypothesis that has been and continues to be modified as new evidence is found, in accordance with scientific method.
I especially like his list of scientists. All of them coming from a period when European belief in Christianity, minus David Hume, was utterly untarnished.

Oh and if they had such sound arguments why the ruse to smuggle their bullshit into Darwin?
This is typical of the sort of "smoking gun" arguments that Mr. Comfort seems to believe debunk evolution to anyone with common sense. I'm actually kind of insulted - it's like being dressed down by a 5 year old.

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There needs to be a film production of the life of Jesus:

Kirk Cameron -- Jesus Christ (rex Iud.)
Richard Dawkins -- Pontius Pilate
Ray Comfort -- John the Baptist
Ben Stein -- The head Pharisee

The 12 apostles can be condensed into the form of a single gibbering lunatic with schizoid personality disorder--I nominate Ron Perlman.