A THANK YOU From Neverland


Jan 3, 2005
Hello Friends!

This is Oganalp, singing guy from Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki's NEVERLAND. I just wanted to post this thank you thread after it all settled here. We had such a great time there and enjoyed every moment of it. We would be more than happy to meet you people somewhere on the road again, hopefuly soon!

Thank you for the hospitality and kind welcome as well as the good spirit! We enjoyed it and we hope that you enjoyed our music and friendship as well!

Take care!

We have to thank you, Oganalp! It was great seeing you playing and partying with us!
You guys have been one of my new discoveries this year, definately gotta get me some cds!
Oganalp, as you know the song "everlasting tranquility" is very special to my husband&me. We really enjoyed the show, the photosession ;) and offcourse the afterparty!!!!:kickass::hypno:
Hello Neverland !

Do you remember the Foot-Volley-Ball after the efter party ?
Behing the castle, at 4 / 5 O'clock ? It's was coooooooooooool !!!!

(As we left on Sunday morning, we missed your gig, but songs on your myspace are really great)

Stephan H. from Akphaezya
Partying is nice :) it is refreshing! And foot-volley-ball is even more fun!

Thank you all once again :D
Alright, we were supposed to get the new album ready for PP Europe 09' but due to unforeseen events, we are releasing it on 26th of March, 2010. Sorry people. If you want, you can sneak peak a sampler at www.neverlandofficial.com, from the mp3 player.

It features Jon Oliva, Edu Falaschi and Urban Breed this time. We hope you like it :). I hope I can make it to PP EU 2010 as a listener this year!

Cheers from Neverland people!
Well, I will try to make it there if there are no tours conflicting etc. But at least I can present you this for now, a music video of the new album!! :D

It is called This Voice Inside, we played this one at PP EU 09 as well, if I am not mistaken :)
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