A thread that doesn't suck

* Phasom becomes lonely
<Phasom> well....there's only one thing to do in a moment of solitude
<Phasom> ....
* Phasom masturbates
<mskater7> ...
<mskater7> LOL
* Phasom shoots a load in james hair
<Phasom> oops
<Phasom> BITCH!
<mskater7> oh come on man
<mskater7> lol
<Phasom> bah
<Phasom> your hair needed some gel
<mskater7> :bah:
<mskater7> would be cool if that worked here
<Phasom> ............
<Phasom> what?
<Phasom> it would be cool if someone blew their load in your hair?
oh so thats what you were tlaking about when you siad i left myself open
and the bha did work!
ahh forget it