""A Tribute To The Beast""


Master Exploder

The German label Nuclear Blast will joins the ranks of labels who have released Iron Maiden tribute albums.

At least the collection of bands is a little more suitable than many of those collected for tribute albums. Here’s the tracklist.

-Steel Prophet ‘The Ides Of March/Purgatory’
-Children of Bodom ‘Aces High’
-Rage ’The Trooper’
-Cradle Of Filth ‘Hallowed Be Thy Name’
-Grave Digger ‘Running Free’
-Burden Of Grief ‘Prowler’
-Sonata Arctica ‘Die With Your Boots On’
-Therion ‘Children Of The Damned’
-Iced Earth ‘Transylvania’
-Opeth ‘Remember Tomorrow’
-Sinergy ‘The Number Of The Beast’
-Disbelief ‘Stranger In A Strange Land’
-Tierra Santa ‘Flight Of Icarus’
-Dark Tranquillity ‘22 Acacia Avenue’
-Six Feet Under ‘Wrathchild’
-Darkane ‘Powerslave’


Sounds like it could be a decent collection. :)
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Especially the Sinergy track :rock:

I'm already getting goosebumps at the thought of Kimberly singing NOTB!


Amen to that! Did you get the new album yet Wrathy?
the Cradle of Filth cover is actually pretty cool. it's so dark and forboding,then the singer dude goes "MOTHERFUCKERS" and the fast bit starts.

they could have left out the motherfuckers part i reckon.
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
The Sinergy version is AWESOME!! Shits ALL over the Iced Earth version!! Woo! :D

Like I was saying before the BB was cruely ripped asunder....

Blitz speaketh the truth.

I like the fact that it's not a straight cover like most bands seem to do. They've Sinergised it, ands it's great.
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg

-Steel Prophet ‘The Ides Of March/Purgatory’
-Opeth ‘Remember Tomorrow’

These two are on the first "A Call To Irons" CD, and both are BRILLIANT. The rest of the songs on that CD are so-so.

Steel Prophet rawks... even though I only have "Dark Hallucinations" so far. They do a cover of Fates Warning's "The Apparition" which is AWESOME.
Which, incidentally, I still don't have. It's on my list though, along with 21 (and counting) other things :rolleyes:

Wat a minute, how did The Police's Greatest Hits get on there? I like 'em OK? Please stop laughing...

Back to Sinergy, I thought the bonus track was going to be a cover of Faith No More's "Falling To Pieces." They must have changed their minds.