A tribute to THE GREAT John Petrucci


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
hi guys john petrucci is the shred master he has so much melody and so much technique he basically is the best guitarist who ever existed and this guy i know did a tribute to john petrucci and i tink you guys shoudl have a listen to this tribute and then also think about how awesome john petrucci really is


i feel inspired by the majesty of this tribute how do you guys feel about this tribute
you just click it and then it plays in winamp it is not an asidlsifscx file it is just that way and it redirects you to the mp3 file or whatever it is the other thing is just so you cannot save the file directly i dunno just try it out its a tribute because john petrucci is the shred master and the best guitar player who existed