A true sign the apocolypse is upon us........


Mar 13, 2002
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Yes friends, according to BLABBERMOUTH.net Celine FUCKING Dion has covered AC/DC's "You shook me all night long". Can there be any clearer sign that the dark master is on his way?

Who controls covers in the business? I mean, who gave this bitch the go ahead to sing this song? Who do I have to put a contract out on? Someone must die for this gross error in judgement!:lol:

I haven't been this weirded out since I heard Tori Amos' cover of 'Raining Blood'....at least I could tolerate that one.
Man, I hope the apocolypse doesn't come any time soon. There's a lot of good movies coming out next year....


(not to mention this metal album I've been waiting for....)
other signs of the appocolypse to watch out for:
1. Moshing at rap concerts
2. Poser metal going away
3. Metallica going on the stock market
4. Slayers last tour(i could die then)
with all due respect to the fact that she sings some of the most depressing songs around she is a fan of metal music,she got an invite off metallica a few years back to see them live!!!
Originally posted by mrthrax
with all due respect to the fact that she sings some of the most depressing songs around she is a fan of metal music,she got an invite off metallica a few years back to see them live!!!

Yeah and I've seen her on stage with Nine Inch Nails on the Fragile Tour. They cover "Closer" together and it was fun to see Celine sang "I want to fuck you like an animal" while Rene (his husband) watch her...
Celine rulezzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Ps : "Stormtroopers of Celine" will be a good name for a band, no ?
yeah any band can cover any song they want to, the orig artist cannot stop anyone from covering their choon, providing that whoever is doing the cover pays the relevant royalties theer are no issues, .....not even spastic jackson with all his money could have stopped alien shit stuff from covering his song if they had wanted to......

so acca dacca can do nothing about it, just sit back laugh at the canadian bint and watch cash come their way...... still.....going on ac/dc covers have you guys heard of hayseed dixie?!?! man alive those gys are fantastic, hillbilly ac/dc covers....... hells bells, simply stunning :)
Originally posted by lokey
yeah going on ac/dc covers have you guys heard of hayseed dixie?!?! man alive those gys are fantastic, hillbilly ac/dc covers....... hells bells, simply stunning :)

LOL HAYSEED/DIXIE is the shit! I haven't laughed that hard listening to a c.d. since DENIS LEARY's No Cure For Cancer came out! And on the back of the album they are dressed up like total hillbillies i.e. overalls w/ no shirts or shoes, and their eyes have that black bar over them like the Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap album has.....:lol:
I guess we can blame Canada after all! LOL
"yeah any band can cover any song they want to, the orig artist cannot stop anyone from covering their choon, providing that whoever is doing the cover pays the relevant royalties theer are no issues"

This can't be true, Revolting Cocks did a cover of Olivia Newton John's song "Let's Get Physical" and weren't allowed to put it on their album and then there's the weird situation with Megadeth's version of "These Boots". Which is an on the album, off the album and now censored on the album thing.
I thought it was Hulk Hogan and Alf doing a commerical that meant the apocalypse was coming, but I guess this works too.

Damn Canadans.....