A truly special festival for me....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I met Kyle via email several months prior to the event. From his emails (and his mother's), I discovered that Kyle was born with William's Syndrome.

What is Williams Syndrome?
Williams syndrome is a rare, congenital (present at birth) disorder characterized by physical and developmental problems including an impulsive and outgoing (excessively social) personality, limited spatial skills and motor control, and intellectual disability (i.e., developmental delay, learning disabilities, mental retardation, or attention deficit disorder). Other features include characteristic "elfin-like" facial features, heart and blood vessel problems, hypercalcemia (elevated blood calcium levels), low birth weight, slow weight gain, feeding problems, irritability during infancy, dental and kidney abnormalities, hyperacusis (sensitive hearing), and musculoskeletal problems. Symptoms vary among patients. Although individuals with Williams syndrome may show competence in areas such as language, music, and interpersonal relations, their IQs are usually below average, and they are considered moderately to mildly retarded. Scientists have learned that most individuals with Williams syndrome have a deletion of genetic material on chromosome 7. This probably causes the physical and developmental problems experienced by patients.

Kyle told me how he had been picked on and he found inspiration in Stratovarius's music. He told me they were his favorite band in the world and had really saved his life. He asked me if I would give them his special olympics medal that he had won because he wanted to thank them. Needless to say, it brought a tear to my eye. He did not once ask for any special treatment or anything extra. He truly wanted the band to have his medal because it meant so much to him.

I arranged for Kyle to meet the band prior to the show. You have no idea how choked up Timo K was over that medal. He was speechless. The rest of the band was touched deeply. I think everyone in the room that night was touched deeply. I wanted to share that night with you:


These are the things that make this festival mean something to me.

Glenn H.
Thanx for sharing Glenn. That's awesome!... Kudos to you too, because most promoters wouldn't even give a damn, but just like the kid with Nightwish the previous year, you again made another kid's dream come true. I think you deserve alot of credit.

Thanx for the music. :)

Beautiful story, Glenn. You rule. :worship:

...And yeah, it brings back memories of Marc B. and Nightwish two years ago. "We're making a lot of dreams come true tonight......." And I didn't even know the whole story.
Thanks so much for sharing that with us, Glenn. What a wonderful thing you were able to do for Kyle. It's moments like this that prove ProgPower is in a class of its own, far and away beyond anything else because it's more than just music. Thanks for bringing the dream to life!
Now to find the box of tissues...
