A very good link dealing with Poison PUSS

Hell yeah.

Every single post i make he attacks. ha ha.

He'll learn his lesson... He'll learn. :D

I gave my friend God of Emptiness a message, and he'll be here later. :D To settle things straight.
The fact that you made time to create such nonsense makes me laugh. Trapped, how can I possibly attack every one of your posts...it would have taken me 5 years of non stop posting and unemployment to attack all 2900 or so.
>>>I can't get over how funny that shit is. PG must have pissed someone off.... ALOT...
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
trapped, what the hell! i wouldnt expect such idiotic remarks from you. and i thought you were a cool member of this board.

Good to know you r one Poisons LAKIES. Pal, if you cant see that we are most all friends here,(with the exception of 2 or 4 ppl), and for the most part playing around(most part, not all, it depends on who we are flaming), then you need to enlist in a special education class.

It seems as if poison is following trapped around just to get on his nerves, if he isnt, then its very ironic. Let the bastard pick apart each and every one of your posts, and then see if you dont get your PANTIES in a bind.

BTW, im glad you think trapped and i post idiodic remarks, I (we) dont give a fuck about you anyway.

see you later good friend..........NOT
Originally posted by Poison God
The fact that you made time to create such nonsense makes me laugh. Trapped, how can I possibly attack every one of your posts...it would have taken me 5 years of non stop posting and unemployment to attack all 2900 or so.

HA, I didnt make that, all i did was typed the link motherfucker. ANd you thinkyour so smart hahahahahaha. BTW, your ugly, that pic was HOMELY
Hmm.... I still can't work out which one is the good guy, and which on is the bad guy... I feel a bad that we have got them confused, maybe we can work out some kind of 'identification' thing...? Eg:


How many of you PoisonGod's are there...??
Originally posted by Battle Angel
I don't see any humour in that link at all. Is there something wrong with being homosexual?


Well, Ive said it before, so ill say it again.....If being gay spins your wheeles, then thats fine with me, even though it does seem a lot GROSS, its none of my concern.

And I still think th elink is very funny.
Hmm, guys, you may think this is none of my (and girls') business at all but I hopped in and saw what this thread was all about... Don't want to say that I am with you or with you or with the third guy but this sounds as serious as it can be here, right?...

I personally do think there are some people on this board bashing others.... And I don't think we are here to do that. But if someone starts it, don't be surprised if others react in a quite emotional way....

Nope, I won't say "Make love not war" and stuff, just wanted to say (and please wear it only if the cap fits!) that I don't find anything bad about arguing on the board. Not at all....
Originally posted by Violence X
It's all in good fun. :D

Thats what im sayin. If you ppl thought that shit about dieing was comeing from my heart,,,,,,,,hahahahahah....WRONG.

HAVE FUN...............LIVE..............ENJOY.................FLAME