Check Out - Nevermore + Christina Scabbia


Magnus Worm
Jun 11, 2010
Hey, I've just read the interview that Warrel conceided to ProgPower...

Great stuff!! It's always inspirational to me and I believe that for all those who are trying to make good metal music with their bands (as for the fans as well).

I saw that Warrel said that there were no recordings of Cristina playin' with Nevermore in Milan.... but then I've remembered that video I saw once...
So, enjoy, everyone, and Warrel!!
The performance begins as soon as the interview is over:

It's a shame it's not complete, but at least we can taste a little bit.

Oh! Warrel! Come on, bring Sanctuary to Porto Alegre (Brazil)!! I've been expecting for too long!! Let's go have some tea...
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i was in milan once for about 2 minutes. i sprinted across the train station with my backpack and made my departing train with about 30 seconds to spare.

unfortunately there was no nevermore show in town that day.
The closer I've got to Italy it was like five years ago, one day that I've drank too much of an argentinian dry wine and threw up a boot-shaped mount of spaghetti (that's ironic) on the ground.

Yet, I would rather travel....
I much prefer her to the girl on the original. She did fuck up the lyrics, but I still love her.

Gods, I think seeing this song live would literally be the best five minutes of my life.
Was once in Italy about 6 or 7 years ago. Beautiful country, amazing food, terrible beer.
I remember reading in Revolver magazine in her column where she answers questions fans write in. I forgot what exactly the question was but she said women in Italy dig American dudes with American accents trying to speak Italian. I always got the impression quite a few Europeans hated American accents because they sound "dumb."
I really am in love with her.

She's my favorite female singer, and I actually think Lacuna Coil is a very, very good band. I got chills seeing her on stage with Warrel.
Yeah they tease us for our accents but it's not malicious or anything, and it's not just Americans. All English speakers sound terrible when trying to speak Italian if they aren't used to the pronunciation. In fact, if you're speaking their language over here instead of shouting yours at them, they'll love you for it.

Yep, that video is at Alcatraz in Milan, October 2003. I remember because it was kinda chilly outside and Arch Enemy had to cancel because they were all sick, and Warrel sang with a cold that night. Before the show WD told me they went up in the mountains the night before and got fucked up on some absinthe, haha.
Christina Scabbia is awesome, it would be so cool to see WD and her sing together one day.

Speaking of accents... I think it's cute when guys from other countries speak English with any accent, especially if they sound like Skwisgaar and Toki <3
I like her voice too, but I still like the voice of the girl who sang on the record the most. I actually like her singing much more then Lacuna Coil's latest albums. I dig Comalies a lot, thought.

Actually, I'm much more into italian prog rock then metal stuff, which is good too, but to me the prog artists are much closer to the greatest italian art tradition.
MmmMm, Christina Scabbia. She's frighteningly beautiful. Her voice is amazing, as well. This is excellent. Do this again. Now.
Cristina is like 4'11"...if you ever meet her in person you'll be shocked because she looks taller than she is in all the photos and such.

Really cool, down-to-earth person.
"Meat me whenever I call to you..."

I didn´t know that the song was about a booty call!