Nevermore in Milan

Fuck, lemme see if I remember...they played a LONG show because they were the headliner and Arch Enemy dropped off the tour. This is what I remember, although I was a bit drunk. This is in no particular order:

Enemies of Reality
Dreaming Neon Black
Engines of Hate
The Heart Collector
The River Dragon
Inside Four Walls
Politics of Ecstasy
Who Decides
In Memory
No More Will
Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday
Encore: The Sound of Silence

That's all I can remember, though I'm sure they played more. Word of advice: never drink with Italians and expect to keep up.

Jago was awesome, too....and Tusk.
wow thats pretty neato...I wish I was there. :erk:

And I do know that Arch Enemy's tourbus was infested with these creepy bloodsucking bugs. They were in the beds, carpets, and ventilation..They had to fumigate the bus. I guess everyone was bitten pretty badly.