Another blast from the past found on YouTube

I hate italian bread. I love american cheese

Howbout Italian cheese mate?


My mouth is watering just thinking about it.:worship:
18 guests just interested in the thoughts of sushi eaters.

Ok I'll bite. Do you remember when I posted that Italian band that covered 'Narcosynthesis?' Granted, it was not the best cover, but man did you shit on Italian bands.

Ah, I see where this is coming from...and you're right in that sense. I wasn't being facetious, actually; I really did think it was funny that you thought I was always dogging on this place, mainly because I rarely shut up about how much I like it...much to the chagrin of everyone, hehe.

Italy is very technique-focused in almost everything it does. This is why Italian-made almost anything costs so much, because it really is a status symbol. It's all so very elegant, hand-crafted, almost gifted workmanship, as if they were born that way....which they were. The same goes for musicians.

Italian musicians are naturally (for the most part) gifted musicians in terms of technique; this is why Italians love prog rock and metal. I'm convinced it's all genetic, that they have a predisposition to be good musicians. They are actually very well-versed in music culture, and don't really follow trends at all. In fact, most young kids who like rock are listening to Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Queen, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. They know music and they know the importance of rock music and its history. I can't fault them for this. That said, aside from a few great bands here, for the most part they're way too hung up on technique and have yet to understand that technique does not equal good songwriting. All too often they're just bland, two-dimensional cover bands playing original songs whose styles are aped from better bands, and it drives me bonkers. They're a little stuck in the past and are very stuck in their hero worship, especially 80's bands like GnR, Skid Row, etc. Now I like those bands too, but these bands are like gods to them. On one hand it's good that they don't give a shit about trends and they totally buck whatever trend comes, but on the other hand it's frustrating to try and find people to play with who understand what you're trying to do if it's outside the norm. For instance, I'm writing music for a sludge/post/spacey doom-esque project and I want to realize it with other musicians. However, I can't find anyone because while there are shredders abound, no one GETS IT.

This is very frustrating to me, and that's why I kinda ripped that band a new one. There are so many bands like that here and it's very frustrating. Yes, the cover was very good as you can hear, and their technique was almost flawless except for the vocals (which by the style I knew was Italian immediately). I didn't mean to come across as an ass although I'm sure I did come across as one, it's just one of those straw that broke the camel's back things.

On a positive note, my band is just about done recording the new album...just gotta do vocals and finish up some other small things. I think you guys are really gonna like it. It's less black metal-ish and a little catchier than Artificial was, but much much MUCH more epic this time around. I can't wait for people to hear it. As soon as I have a clip I'll post it.
Local Amish cheese and cheese from the Yoopers > almost anything I've had. And I've been around the block a time or two. 'cept for 07 or 08 in Spa for breakfast... we were far to imbibed from the night before, but the breakfast tray was unworldly.

Spa 07 yep, when Kimi whipped that POS Ferrari by the ass for a win... fuck I can't wait to go back there. What a magical place.