My Dying Bride, Nevermore switch singers

Chromatose said:
european april fools day comes before your april fools day
My Dying Bride, Nevermore switch singers 31.03.2004
My Dying Bride's vocalist Aaron Stainthorpe and Nevermore frontman Warrel Dane have unexpectedly announced that they will switch positions during the upcoming live shows of both bands.


whatevvah, thats whats i saw and whats still on the site
hah you know... that would be cool for like one album of each band... could be really interesting, Warrel has kind of a candlemass/doomy way of singing anyway...
Would not be cool if it was permanent
But i love both bands
this sounds interesting, and I would definitely go to a show of MDB/Nevermore.

uh....i kinda wanted to see Nevermore as....Nevermore

since i've missed all of their concerts, it would be nice to see the original group.
anyway, enjoy your April Fool's day, ye scurvy dogs! :wave: