A Vulgar Picture - South Wales Metal

A Vulgar Picture

New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2013
Hi all,

We're a 4 piece metal band called A Vulgar Picture hailing from Swansea (South Wales).

The band have been together since 2011 and we are about to release our debut album 'The World I Found'. Fans of the smiths, the band name was adopted from the song 'Paint A Vulgar Picture. We have many influences including Pantera, Iron Maiden, Electric Wizard, Judas Priest, Sabbat, Sabbath, Death, all of which shine through in our music. A Vulgar Picture now plan on getting out and around the UK establishing ourselves within the UK metal scene.

Here's 2 new tracks from our debut album:


We'd really appreciate any feedback from you guys!



Brenden AVP