a WHOLE album?


Nov 27, 2002
dorset, england
so what whole album can you play throughout- all the way through every song through the whole album on your instrument of choice (excluding singers- sorry- coz that's easy for most!!). I can't actually play any all through but am working on judas priest- british steel. how bout you guys n' girls? what whole albums can you do the WHOLE of??
I don't really work on learning albums (I play synth's/piano,guitar and singing) I mostly work on my own stuff.

(excluding singers- sorry- coz that's easy for most!!)

Dude you don't know how off the line you're on that one :lol: but i'll leave it at that :grin:
Metallica - Kill Em All, Ride The Lightinig and Master Of Puppets (without the solos - I really can't be a lead guitar)

I wish I could play Coroner's No More Color or Punishment for decadence........but it's too much technique for a lazy guitar player (me) :lol:
Don't underestimate singers...you got no idea how hard it is to keep in tune trough the whole album, with the technique and all. Besides - if I can sing a whole Nightwish album, I guess it counts.
Nightwish - Angels Fall First
Within Temptation - Mother Earth
Nearest is Death - Human

Although I havn't worked out one of the riffs in Suicide Machine...

And I can't play all of the solos (can only play Chuck's on Flattening of Emotions, most of Together as One, some of Secret Face, some of Lack of Comprehension).
i used to be able to do the whole Kill EM All album. i could play all the way through at around 8 months of playing. i've forgotten a riff or two here and there, some licks, but, if i had to, i could re-learn what i forgot in about a half hour.
Singing and Growling:
Symphony X-The Divine Wings Of Tragedy and V (i'm still working on the new one)
Nile-In Their Darkened Shrines
Darkane-Rusted Angel
Metalium-Some songs only, I haven't bothered learning all the albums


Symphony X-Candlelight Fantasia, Fallen, Evolution and i'm currently working on Through The Looking Glass


Metallica-Fade To Black (that's all, I suck at guitar :lol: )

that's all i've learned, I don't usually work on other people's stuff
Originally posted by Metal is Religion
haha, you are all gonna laugh at this one.....ANY SLIPKNOT CD! they are all so easy. just bar chords. ahhahahah, i hate them

haha that cheered me up.

I mainly try to solo to stuff,..,,.I'm startin with easy stuff like White Zombie- Astrocreep

I mostly try to learn bits and pieces of different techniques from other guitarists. Im focusing a lot of time on sweep picking. Alot of Jason Becker stuff is challenging me at the moment, mostly stuff from Perpetual Burn.