AA Videos/VHS Wanted

I don't watch porn, really. It's cheesy and fake. I'd rather see an Erotic drama or something, with intelligence.
No CLint you won't see me at Metal For The Brain, but if you get your as to the Destroyer 666 gig on the 27th @ The HiFi bar, you'll see me ;) i talked to K.K and he said he will get me into the gig, i am so fucking pumped!! You going to that gig?
6 kids? Me? I could never picture myself as a father. I've got plenty of younger metalheads that look up to me here in DK though and pit dogs, so I guess that should count?
I know that no Official live recordings either VHS or Audio exist of Amon Amarth, i just want dubs/Bootlegs to listen to......Can someone sell me a couple or just even be really "nice" and send a copy my way!?
What, are you kidding? You'd be the best dad, Paddy! Good Dads are the ones who never truly grew up themselves, like Eidolon666. Mind you, he's sober, occasionally, unlike yourself...anyhow, wrong thread for this stuff!
PaganThunder said:
I have noticed a few AA Videos floating around on ebay etc..I was wondering if anyone here had any? and if you would dub me a copy or something?

it's probably some downloaded vids recorded onto a tape.

i've got some vidoes shared that you can download from me if like and is using Direct Connect, i'm at metal.no-ip.info
Nothing I can't solve with a cut off "gurka". Don't forget to ask your friend about the Chilean cooking by the way, it would be sweet of you!
yeah mate, thanks for the offer, but i have the worst computer and connection, it probably wouldn't run the vids, i can't even run the death in fire video on Yahoo i have to go to my mates place just to watch that haha. I am after stuff on actual VHS material, or even DVD-R or whatever the fuck its called.