The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden

I'm doing a couple techno-ish/dance song, with lots of automated opening EQ-filters. As you might have guessed, it's not running very smooth.

I can't automate just a singe part of a track, like the bridge, I'm pretty much stuck with creating a new track for every EQ automation, becuse if I don't it will apply the same automation FOR EVERY PART OF THE TRACK NO MATTER HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES I TELL IT NOT TO


I'm not sure if you mean the same thing, but sometimes I have to stop and restart playback in Cubase before the automation actually takes effect. It seems random when you have to do that, sometimes it works, sometimes not.
The problem is that I have a melody, that runs through most of the song. Now, for the bridge part, I want to do a classic "opening EQ-filter" effect, with a rising lp filter. Now when I do this, it works just fine. Except that before the automation kicks in, it applies the same EQ for the entire track. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, nothing works except turning off "Read Automation" which of course, kills the effect aswell.
I'm not having technical problems with it either, can't help you here but I still think it is fucking unhandy to use with dragging those little points around and they keep being that tiny even when zoomed in at max :lol:
The problem is that I have a melody, that runs through most of the song. Now, for the bridge part, I want to do a classic "opening EQ-filter" effect, with a rising lp filter. Now when I do this, it works just fine. Except that before the automation kicks in, it applies the same EQ for the entire track. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, nothing works except turning off "Read Automation" which of course, kills the effect aswell.

Oh yeah. I would create a new track for that automation thingy. Just duplicate the original track and either delete the automated parts from the original, or automate a mute to it.
i had sx 2 and 3, automation sucked for both. i tried C4 but its automation sucks ass as well. all these stupid workarounds for it just annoy the hell outta me. basicaly you just have to write the automation over and over and over again until it decides to miraculously function properly. not much help i know, lulz.
i had sx 2 and 3, automation sucked for both. i tried C4 but its automation sucks ass as well. all these stupid workarounds for it just annoy the hell outta me. basicaly you just have to write the automation over and over and over again until it decides to miraculously function properly. not much help i know, lulz.

Hah, yeah thats how it feels!

But whatever, I'll just end up adding extra tracks for all those sort of things. It's just so stupid, why do I have to do that when that's EXACTLY why they have the automation function there for in the first place?!?!
That's funny, I have yet to have a SINGLE problem doing automation on things from delays, reverbs, EQ, level, FX Send....all kinds of automation. I use automation nearly every single project, and if I use it, it's never "just a little" it's always going to be quite a bit for some reason. I have automated a LPF like you are talking about many times without a SX1, SX3 and C4.

Yea, I am with you. I never had a problem automating anything. It works flawlessly (Cubase SX3).

I do, however, pencil in all automation instead of writing fadermoves etc. ... don't know if that makes a difference ...