Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! Trigger Finger & Ez Drummer

Gday everyone, need a lot of help here with hooking up my new m-audio trigger finger and ez drummer.

I have just purchased an imac, pro tools 8, mbox 2 pro factory bundle, trigger finger, hs 80m monitors, akg 240 mk ii headphones and the waves gold bundle.

Now, I am a complete beginner at recording and have managed to get a few tracks down at the moment, but the thing that bothers me is I do not have the foggiest on how to program beats with ez drummer, or how the hell I connect my trigger finger so I can create beats with ez drummer.

I have searched google with "how to connect trigger finger to ez drummer" and other variants, but to no avail, and I have used the search function here typing in trigger finger, but to still no avail.

I have had my new equipment for a month now and have got some good ideas down, but I cant use ez drummer, so I am stuck with my boss dr 770 at the moment (which has some cool kick sounds), but as you see, I have 600 odd dollars worth of gear sitting around doing nothing.

Could someone chime in here and teach me what the hell I should be doing right, as I am at my wits end!

Thanx and cheers fellas, and ladies.:)
O.K, just downloaded the ez drummer pdf file, and still can not find how to hook it up to the trigger finger. It shows a picture of a midi keyboard and on that keyboard, it shows what key is what drum. But I did learn that you can create your own beats from scratch, so thats a bonus...... Now for the Trigger Finger pdf.......

Now the trigger finger, downloaded, read it and can not make head nor tail of it. (I have no midi experience what so ever). I have armed it and there is a tick in the trigger finger box and a tick in the mbox as well in the midi input devices. Do I need to arm the output devices? ( Forgive me if that is really noobish!)

So, so far I have used google, this forum, took on Mr Murphys instructions and still nothing. I have done the homework on my behalf ( and have put in a lot of time researching before I posted here and after I posted here) but as I will say again, to no avail.

I know I am missing something easy, but could someone run me through the process please, thanks for the advice James, but as I said , I am missing the point somewhere, I am a noob at this whole recording thing, and its reminding me of my Latin classes I did years ago. I dont wont to be turned off drum programing because I dont have the knowledge to hook something up.

If anyone out there can help me, it would be greatly appreciated, thanx again.:)
Nice deal. I wasn't aware that Allans did that. I might have to look into that.

I am towards the Seymour area. Yeehaa for the Sticks. :goggly: :lol:

EDIT: Fwankston. No, North Sunshine, Errrrrrrrr Moe, Errrrr St'albans. :lol:

Welcome. We can't have too many Victorians.
does the trigger finger light up and transmit notes when you hit the pads?
if the little display shows numbers when the pads are struck then thats working ok.

i assume you need to go into the pro-tools options and set up the trigger finger as a midi input device.

if thats done and there is still no sound, check what midi channel is being used. when i got my trigger finger new it was set to midi channel 10 for some reason.
either set it to channel 1 on the trigger finger itself or set the pro-tools track you have EZdrummer on to channel 10, fiddle around with that and consult the manuals :)
Thanks for the imput Driller. Just got up, got to go to work, so I will screw around with that when I get home.

The lights do light up when i hit the pad, and under set up, in midi - midi devices, I have the trigger finger ticked. The only way I can hear sound from Ez Drummer is when i run the mouse over each drum, or go to the library and select one of the presets (which are alright, but making your own beats is much better).

So it sounds as if I am half way there, just got to get the other half:rock: