Aaah the uses of Facebook

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK

I’ve been laughing for the past 3 minutes about this. SoJones family, if your sibling gets on your very last nerve and you have some juicy blackmail material on them, what do you do?

The picture below explains everything, but let me tell you what happened in short:

Chris hides beer in his bedroom (we assume he’s underaged). Sister snitches on him. “asian parents are [f*ing] strict” as he explains, and they subsequently ground him for three months.

Infuriated and looking to get back at his sister, Chris subsequently discovers her very graphically detailed notes entitled “My hook up list” which describes her goals and aspirations for getting down with 10 different individuals, some of whom are crossed off aka “mission accomplished”. So what does dear brother do with this scandalous material?

He of course scans and posts it on his Facebook account. Tags hella people on it, including named “targets” who quickly find and comment on.
I'm not really sure if there are a lot of girls who keep a physical "hook up list" such as this, but I definitely do not want to have anything to do with that kind of people. A mental note about who you want to fuck should be enough. So unless she has Alzheimer's, I don't get it.
yeah.. i got a big laugh off this one... my sis never ratted on me when we were kids, and i returned the favor.... and to this day we trust each other with our deepest secrets. too bad for them they got off to this start in life, but goddamn it's hilarious. i enjoyed that same quote Ermz.. i laughed so hard my eyes teared and my nose started to run. :lol: