Aarni blatherings


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2012
From newsletter Liber Aarni #69:

:: M.W.'S WORDS ::

Delicious patients,

1) New (sort of) Aarni album out now on Bandcamp! "Deliria - Odds and Ends and Beginnings 2000-2012" contains 32 tracks, some of which have hitherto been only unofficially released, and the rest never before released anywhere...it features 5 (or 6) full songs as well as loads of shorter tracks consisting of studio outtakes, recorded riff ideas (most of which remain unused to date in Aarni releases), demo takes and a few jam session snippets. These have been included as baffling curiosities and pervy sneak peeks into the Aarni songwriting process.
They will possibly give bittersweet eargasms to those individuals inordinately interested in the band and lo-fi sound in general...such people will no doubt also enjoy the fact that when Aarni in the throes of inspiration captured these snippets on a recording device, only a single take was ever made. So all those tasty playing mistakes and candylike out-of-tune notes can frequently be savoured by the drooling listener! Obviously not very mixed or mastered.

Thou canst download the full(er) songs individually if thou wilt, but the short tracks only come with a complete album purchase - as do a couple of bonus items: an old Aarni flyer and a fortunately never used "promo photo" of MW from 2000 e.v.

Perhaps interestingly most of the riff/melody idea tracks, both the ones used and unused in released Aarni material, date from the year of Their Lord 2000. Thou canst listen and find out which of them made it years later to the two Aarni demos, the Split CD with Umbra Nihil, 'Bathos', 'Tohcoth' and 'Omnimantia' EP. Some of the remaining ideas will perhaps be used in the future while others will certainly not be.

Anyway, these recorded musical gems represent a rarity, as usually Aarni band members prefer to conserve the fruits of their creativity by the old-fashioned way i.e. writing the stuff down on notation paper.

Each entry in the albums tracklist also features some words in the way of commentary and background information about the track in question.

2) We have likewise made the remastered Double Demo available at Bandcamp for thy artistic experience.

3) In Aarni webshite related tidings: thou canst read two recent reviews of the Aarni/PiM split there. Ta to the music journos involved!

4) We also got signed to the "record label" Any And All Records.

5) Probably the best way to access the most recent Aarni-related news and various incoherent outcries is by our Facebook page. Its RSS feed is http://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?id=18955562953&format=rss20

We recently put a poll on the FB page as well as for thy interactive cravings, asking for thy favourite track on the Split. Consider the poll as research for the direction thou thinkest Aarni should concentrate on style-wise in the future. The results may or may not influence our output, but at least thou tried! It's the thought that counts fnord.


Finally those pesky ads - thou art what thou buyest:

A plethora of bewildering Aarni t-shirt designs and divers other merch available from the Reverbnation store.

Aarni / Persistence in Mourning Split CD available from us for 11 euros inside the Europa Fort; and 13 euros for the rest of this globe...a special Japanese import featuring all kinds of goodies. See Doomintroll's Blog for more information.

Yogsothery - Gate I: Chaosmogonic Rituals Of Fear available from us for 10 euros (includes planetwide shipping via Air Mail). The standard CD jewel case comes in an unearthly cardboard slipcase for thy edification & delight. Features an outlandish 20-page full colour booklet with liner notes and lyrics just to make thee feel special & loved. Order thine while our copies last!

A handful of autographed Rising Of Yog-Sothoth: Tribute to Thergothon double CD's still available from us for a measly 8 euros inside the EU; 10 euros for the rest of this bizarre excuse for a planet. Costs include shipping via Flying Polyps. As an added tr00 d00m feature the double album comes in an ultra rare standard CD jewel case.

Shouldst thou feel the urge, Omnimantia EP, the Double Demo and the Aarni/Umbra Nihil split album can still be purchased as CDR's via the Aarni webshite. As a bonus we can on demand even throw in one or more unreleased Aarni hit/miss songs.

A better idea yet would probably be to get the newly remixed and/or mastered Bathos, Omnimantia and Double Demo with extra goodies from Bandcamp. If thou wilt, thou canst fully listen to them prior to paying the ludicrously low price.

Beast Retards,
Magister Warjomaa

-new Rush album
-Munchkin Cthulhu

-long delivery times for stuff
-powdered wigs
:: :: LIBER LXX AARNI vel Flatus Mundi :: ::

Prickle-Prickle, day 62 in the season of The Aftermath, 3178 Anno Mungi.

Iä Timewave Zero! Welcome to Liber LXX Aarni, the seventieth (go look up the Gematria) edition of the official Aarni newsletter, bringing thee some of the latest news on the band and unsettling emanations from Aarni's infamous metal god/retard illuminatus Master Warjomaa.

:: M.W.'S WORDS ::

Ave morituri,

1) Just a brief notification before the beginning of the world on Dec 21st: lately Aarni has been extremely slowly working on Lovecraftian and a fourth studio album, alternating between the twain as fancy has dictated. Once again it would probably be unlawful to go into too much detail regarding the new material, but let it be declared that we have set as our over-arching musical goal the dethronement of conventional song, riff, melody, time, tempo etc. structures, while retaining the use of traditional rock/metal instruments. The result should however be better than it sounds. As always...:Saint:

2) Happy psychotemporal karmic implosion & Good Yule to those who may survive!


No ads this time, after all there isn't time anymore to buy Aarni classics, save perhaps:

Deliria - Odds and Ends and Beginnings 2000-2012 contains 32 tracks, some of which have hitherto been only unofficially released, and the rest never before released anywhere...it features 5 (or 6) full songs as well as loads of shorter tracks consisting of studio outtakes, recorded riff ideas (most of which remain unused to date in Aarni releases), demo takes and a few jam session snippets. These have been included as baffling curiosities and pervy sneak peeks into the Aarni songwriting process. Available from Bandcamp.

Pnakotise out,
Magister Warjomaa

-'Perdurabo' by R.K.

-Xothian romantic comedies
-long count


For more lovely disinformation, go to http://www.aarni.info


Website - http://www.aarni.info
Store - http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_200601
Newsletter - http://www.reverbnation.com/aarni?add_email=true
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/duumipeikko
Twitter - http://twitter.com/Doomintroll
Blog - http://doomintroll.wordpress.com

:: :: END :: ::

And that concludes the seventieth edition of Liber Aarni, Aarni's official e-newsletter. Ta for reading and keep thy beady eyes shut for Liber LXXI Aarni possibly in the future, for that's where we'll be spending the rest of our meager fortunes.
Io Singularity,
Wot, actually a new Liber Aarni issue?

:: M:.W:.'S WORDS ::

Hello perplexing pithecoids,

It has taken us this long to send out a new Liber Aarni issue, for we have been feeling so down and disappointed when against most odds,
the world apparently did not start in late 2012 e.v.
Apologies for the convenience! But now we may be almost back to "normal", so let us keep the babble to a minimum and celebrate by these glad tidings:

1) New Aarni song 'Path of Return' released on SoundCloud for thee to marvel at!
It has been an experiment for us, mainly production-wise, as well as a sort of holiday from the work on 'Lovecraftian'.
Make of this disjointed occultnik hymn what thou wilt...as usual and if needed the song lyrics can be found in the appropriate section of the Aarni website.

2) Also, for those of you not following us on FB and/or Twitter for some obscure reason it may come as news that late last year M:.W:. guest contributed the vocals for the song 'Paralysis' by Dullko. Charming!

3) Work now continues fully on 'Lovecraftian' for the stars might be right to actually achieve something.
Not the faintest about a release date yet. We are mysterious that way fnord.

We like a certain class of tramps, so thou wilt find a warm welcome from,
Magister Warjomaa

-new Triptykon album

-shitty new apocalyptic movies


For more tearsome disinformation, go to http://www.aarni.info


Website - http://www.aarni.info
Store - http://www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_200601
Bandcamp - http://aarni.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud - http://soundcloud.com/doomintroll
Newsletter - http://www.reverbnation.com/aarni?add_email=true
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/duumipeikko
Twitter - http://twitter.com/Doomintroll
Blog - http://doomintroll.wordpress.com

:: :: END :: ::

And that concludes the seventy-first edition of Liber Aarni, Aarni's official e-newsletter.
Ta for reading and keep thy beady eyes shut for Liber LXXII Aarni possibly in the future, for that is where we will be spending the rest of our unlives.
Io Set & Setting,